
I'm new to hatching, and I have a quick question: for folks who are in the warmer areas, how do you store your hatching eggs as you accumulate them?

My information indicates I should have them at a steady 50-60F, but there's nowhere in my house or outbuildings where I can attain that temperature. I can get about 68-70F. I have a wine fridge at 55F, but it has had old veggies in it at various times (though I suppose I can sanitize it), and I don't know if the humidity would be too high.

My Cream Legbar rooster was attacked by dogs while protecting the flock two days ago, and I'm saving eggs from his girls. I was going to hatch form them this year anyway, just need to start early now. (He looks like he'll be fine, but he is naked on his back half and will need to be indoors a while.)

- Ant Farm

Coolest room of the house, which depends on weather/time of year, in an automatic egg turner. When it's the hottest, that room would be my kitchen, close to the window unit air conditioner out of direct sunlight from the window. Humidity or lack thereof has not been an issue.
ok so i know this is an off question... but... i promised i would ask....
i am going to be doing some volunteer work for a therapy group that deals with special needs kids. i will be working on their horses and goats. they would like to have chickens and rabbits as well for those that want to have a calm place to sit and pet the fluffies... i no longer have any of my animals and if i did i would give them up to them since im no longer in a place that i can keep livestock... if at any time anyone has a chicken or rabbit they want to donate to have a forever home and not have the worry of it being eaten this is the place! it is called halter inc. its on the book of face under halter inc i will be rebuilding their coop and runs and will be finding a breeder of sumatra that i can work with so i can live vicariously thru them! lol i will be doing most of the work with the birds and small animals until i find a new job... just thought id put it out there... feel free to ask questions... i can find out any and all answers if i dont have them...
One way to check for sure is sponsor a draw a MohamadGoose cartoon contest and when they show up strapped with explosives, have hunters standing by. :)
Y'all are killing me.
So, Lucky the Rooster decided he was Leonardo Di Caprio from the Titanic . I had built a tall platform when I was attempting to use a 55 gallon rain barrel for my Chicken Fountain. It never got enough pressure, so I went tot he hose option. Well, apparently, he led the charge to push through a gap in the coop pen, and all the hens were out. He was on top of the structure crowing away that he was king of the world. Out there, surrounded by all his Easter Egger/Buff Orpington girls and his son, crowing his defiance to the world. Things that make you laugh, when they surprise you.
So, Lucky the Rooster decided he was Leonardo Di Caprio from the Titanic . I had built a tall platform when I was attempting to use a 55 gallon rain barrel for my Chicken Fountain. It never got enough pressure, so I went tot he hose option. Well, apparently, he led the charge to push through a gap in the coop pen, and all the hens were out. He was on top of the structure crowing away that he was king of the world. Out there, surrounded by all his Easter Egger/Buff Orpington girls and his son, crowing his defiance to the world. Things that make you laugh, when they surprise you.

Oh Lordy! I have a similar story involving my Ancona girl. She just LOVES perching on top of the fence.
I'm new to hatching, and I have a quick question: for folks who are in the warmer areas, how do you store your hatching eggs as you accumulate them?

My information indicates I should have them at a steady 50-60F, but there's nowhere in my house or outbuildings where I can attain that temperature. I can get about 68-70F. I have a wine fridge at 55F, but it has had old veggies in it at various times (though I suppose I can sanitize it), and I don't know if the humidity would be too high.

My Cream Legbar rooster was attacked by dogs while protecting the flock two days ago, and I'm saving eggs from his girls. I was going to hatch form them this year anyway, just need to start early now. (He looks like he'll be fine, but he is naked on his back half and will need to be indoors a while.)

- Ant Farm
sorry to read about your rooster.

Coolest room in the house. Turn them every day. If you think about it... the hen doesn't start sitting on her first egg. So, they are out in the heat until she decides to start sitting. Just my opinon

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