
Will i need to give my chicks grit before taking them outside? Or will they get all they need themselves?

I never bother..

once they hit the dirt they pickup all sorts of things..

but if you are feeding them anything other than chick start inside (greens, veggies and bugs) they will need some grit while still inside

i had one little cockerel a few years ago who swore the garden hose was the best tasting giant snake in the world.... he had issues.. trying to convince him he couldn't eat that thing was a full time job.. ended up having to move him into a different pen out of sight of it...
he was so obsessed that I thought he was going to starve to death.....
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That is just to darn cute. I love walking up to the coops in the morning and everyone greets me with their chirps and peeps and clucks.

Isn't it wonderful? It's a wonderful way to start the day. Mike actually got to see what I deal with when I go up there to feed them, today. Generally, he doesn't make it up until after all the food's been put down and I'm cleaning up the waterer. Today, he was up there and saw - I had to fish one or two of them out of the bowl and had to shoo a few of them away so I could even get the food down for them to eat.
They are funny little things. When we went out to feed The Rascals, Dinner dove head first into the bucket and I had to get him out of there - silly cockerel. Then had to chase Breakfast and Hickory off so I could get the food into their 'feeder'. Of course, as I walk away, they abandon their food and run after me....it looks like a mama with her chicks in tow when I walk across the yard. We let them free range in the morning (coffee time) and in the evening while we are there to keep an eye out for the hawks.

I want some chickens like those so badly. They look great. I have a soft spot for chickens with hairdos. One day when we can have more chickens, they are definitely on my list.

I don't like 'em. I picked them up because they were the last three in the feed store. Their breaker had blown and the area was cool. They were all showing pasty butt and looking miserable. I couldn't leave them there....even if I don't care for Polish Cresteds. I mean...well....yeah - I have a big sign on my forehead that says, "Sucker".
They are all healthy and happy, now....the black one has a deformed beak but seems to be doing just peachy, so I'm not worried about it. He's not going to be bred anyway, so it doesn't matter.

I never bother..

once they hit the dirt they pickup all sorts of things..

but if you are feeding them anything other than chick start inside (greens, veggies and bugs) they will need some grit while still inside

i had one little cockerel a few years ago who swore the garden hose was the best tasting giant snake in the world.... he had issues.. trying to convince him he couldn't eat that thing was a full time job.. ended up having to move him into a different pen out of sight of it...
he was so obsessed that I thought he was going to starve to death.....

That is hilarious...I could see Dinner doing that....

I was happy to see that Dufus (he earned a name...hah) hadn't managed to make himself a target by pulling on his wingband all night long. The other one (the one I think is a female) ignored hers after the first pinch.

Oh, look at what one of Mike's friends gave me when she visited the other day:

Isn't it gorgeous? (yes, she gave me the 'pot' and the plant combined).
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