
We got our two new redheads last Thursday, and yesterday they apparently noticed the cat for the first time. Usually we keep Smoky indoors during the day and let him out at night. But in this beautiful weather, he was sunning himself on the poop deck and minding his own business. Both girls cautiously went over to chick him out, and apparently Smoky didn't meet with their approval. They started complaining loudly, and Reba began pacing back and forth in front of Smoky (about 6 or 8 inches away), still complaining and scolding. I couldn't understand what she was actually saying, but from the tone of her voice I know she was using very fowl language. Smoky could have reached out and swatted her, but he didn't, probably because he knew I was watching. Anyhow, it was a funny scene.

Whenever I release new chicks into the flock, whether purchased or hatched by hens, they all seem to really like our big dog, Sandy. She's really calm and likes to dig a little hole in the coop so she can sleep in the cool dirt. Well, these chicks go up to her and pick through her fur, finding any bugs she might have on her and then they'll hop up on her back for a nap. Whenever I'm around, she'll look at me as if to ask, "Is this alright...? I-I don't know what to do! Do I snarl? I'm a dog, right, so I should probably bark, but it's just...sitting there!" It's so cute that she isn't sure what to do, haha! I now have a bunch of full-grown chickens that will hop up on her back to rest and she'll just sit down so they fall off, haha!
I have a mama goat who routinely provides chauffeur services to the younger birds. They just hop on her back and she strolls around the pasture with them on there. It is the darnedest thing you ever saw.
Whenever I release new chicks into the flock, whether purchased or hatched by hens, they all seem to really like our big dog, Sandy. She's really calm and likes to dig a little hole in the coop so she can sleep in the cool dirt. Well, these chicks go up to her and pick through her fur, finding any bugs she might have on her and then they'll hop up on her back for a nap. Whenever I'm around, she'll look at me as if to ask, "Is this alright...? I-I don't know what to do! Do I snarl? I'm a dog, right, so I should probably bark, but it's just...sitting there!" It's so cute that she isn't sure what to do, haha! I now have a bunch of full-grown chickens that will hop up on her back to rest and she'll just sit down so they fall off, haha!
That's wonderful! It is so interesting to see the inter-species dynamics play out with backyard chickens. Our cat moved in with us 3 years ago, so he is well used to our chickens and they're used to him. A year or so ago one got very curious about him, and walked around him to inspect and stepped right over his tail. The only time I worry about Smoky is when there are baby chicks around. When he gets into the stalking position, I bring him back in the house.
Looks like Horseherb

Thanks for introducing me to the great stems site. I'm impressed.
Yep, that's horseherb or horseweed. Awful stuff IMO. That is, if you get it somewhere you don't want it. If it's just in the yard, eh, who cares lol.

My birds are all very cautious about the cat. Kitty used to hunt for a living and so really did want to stalk them but a cross word from me a few times was all it took. Very smart cat. Now, however, I have a 20 week old pullet that pecks the cat and runs her off! It's so funny to me to see a cat that in her past (wild) days would have easily taken this bird down but now just lets it cow her and make her run off!

But kitty knows that squirrels are still game on and stalks them with my wholehearted approval, when she's not too busy snoozing in the house trying to get nice and fat.

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