
Last year I bought several bottles of Torani sugar free Pumpkin Pie flavoring syrup and I've been making mock Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frap...it is no where near the same, but since I am TRYING to stick to my diet...it'll have to do!

What's your favorite seasonal beverage...?
A Creamy Iced Chai Tea! I know, it's not a warm beverage, or very seasonal. It's just the warm, spicy flavors that I associate with fall are so addicting. Mixed with cream and ice, it makes a great drink for a warm fall afternoon. And whenever it gets cold, I just omit the ice and enjoy it warm. So delicious!
[COLOR=FF0000]Did you know?[/COLOR]​
Used to see those when I was a child in Corpus Christi. Haven' seen one since. They are sweet, wonderful things. I love "horny toads" as we called them.

Another cool Texas critter is the Road Runner, or Piasano. Yes, they are real, but they don't bedevil coyotes and stick out their tongues to them hehe.

I grew up in Garland seeing a lot of "horny toads" but haven't seen any now in years :(
...THAT's what happened to the dinosaurs!!
The word dinosaur comes from the greek and means "Terrible Lizard". The word terrible in this case is used more in sense of fearfully great. But as to where the dinosaurs went, they did not go anywhere. They are still here. Sure, just like many other types animals, some varieties are no longer around, but they many still are. Take this huge crocodile that was captured in the Philippines in 2011 for example. Or take the Komodo Dragon that grows to 10 feet long and gets up to 150 pounds. It only lives around 30 years though. Image if it lived 100 years. I think these would qualify as "Terrible Lizards" don't you? But not all lizards have to be large to be considered. Even many of the extinct varieties were no larger then 20 pounds. Many of the lizards that are alive today, if given the right conditions could grow many times larger then they do.
I grew up in Garland seeing a lot of "horny toads" but haven't seen any now in years

I have quite a few on my place. Shhhsss! Don't tell anyone. Two things are killing them off, fire ants and ant poison. I am very careful with poison on my place and protect my miniature triceratops. LOL!
Last year I bought several bottles of Torani sugar free Pumpkin Pie flavoring syrup and I've been making mock Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frap...it is no where near the same, but since I am TRYING to stick to my diet...it'll have to do!

What's your favorite seasonal beverage...?
pumpkin spice keurig coffee

I do adore the peppermint mocha from starbucks but don't get one but maybe once a season
Driving 37 south tomorrow to corpus. Does anyone that way welsummer eggs?

Hey, if you have time, head over to Port Aransas early in the morning and buy some fresh shrimp from the Pollyanna.  She docks at the city park harbor and she sells right off the ship.  She only fishes for deep water shrimp over 300 feet deep.  They are like no other shrimp you have ever tasted.  Last time I bought it was $4 for regular size and $6 for prawns.  And when I say prawns, I mean shrimp as big as small lobsters.  But you have to get there before sunup, because there is a line. If you don't want to cook them you can take them over to Son Jaun Mexican Restaurant and they will cook them anyway you want them for free.  All you have to buy is a side dish and a drink ($4). 
OH MY GOODNESS. You've just made me homesick. I grew up in Corpus and remember buying shrimp like this. Later in the day you can get bait shrimp easily but you're right, got to get there before dawn to get the good stuff. Last time I was there, I had the best fresh snapper from a small joint in Aransas Pass. Fresh, never frozen red snapper is something you just can't get many places.

Okay, I'm on my phone, so I don't think I can do the quote inside a quote thing, but I'll try to see if I can snap a pic of my mama goat chauffeur. Now, watch - as you all know, once you promise a pic of something cute that your animals and/or kids do regularly, they never do it again....
We're barely halfway through the day and there have been a few surprises.

For one, this happened.

You can see everything up here!

Yeah, you're gonna have to feed me up here. I don't think I can get down.

So there's that.

Then, my Cutie (my adorable little mutt who also loves to hop onto my shoulder) didn't come out when I called. I thought, okay, maybe she escaped the yard again. She'll come back when she hears me scooping out food.

So I went to the feed container, opened it up, and inside was Cutie. I was horrified. She was fine and she chirped at me, waiting for me to lift her up. Needless to say, I ran her to the water and made sure she drank. I was so upset because I always check to make sure none of the chickens stay in the feed bucket. They love to hop in when I'm distracted, gah! She's fine, but thank God for small blessings. I didn't close the container correctly yesterday, so she had enough air. Jesus.

I need a drink.
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