
Wish me luck! Set 7 blue EE/frizzled mixed eggs under a broody tonight. Picking up 4 coocoo Maran eggs tomorrow to add. Woohoo!!

Woohoo, good luck! Man, I want Marans so bad. I've got to face reality, though. I have a lot of chickens. Chicken math isn't possible for this girl, especially since I made a chicken spreadsheet with an approximate feed ration chart to keep me from being stupid. Now, I'm working on keeping in check and not buying anymore babies.

I miss having baby chicks. :(
Eek, I'm so excited!

I've saved up $38 ($27 from the painted eggs and the rest is change I've just gathered over time) and will finally put it to use. I'm going out tomorrow to purchase two 50 lb. bags of feed for my chickadees. One will be Purina Layena SunFresh Recipe Crumbles (I can finally afford to spend an extra couple dollars on it!) and the other will be Producer's Pride Whole Oats that I will mix together with whatever is left of our scratch grains. It will all be mixed in our big aluminum feed container and we'll be set! These birds are finally paying for themselves!

Well, kinda. I did spend hours painting their eggs. I'd be really impressed with them if they laid an egg with a scenic forest landscape, haha!

Anyway, my babies are gonna be in for a treat tomorrow. They'll have full tummies and I'll have a full feed container for longer than the two-and-a-half weeks a bag normally lasts. That paired with the possible yard flooding I'll be doing this weekend is going to be fantastic! I'm still owed $30 for eggs, so I'm covered for after this batch of feed finishes, but hopefully I won't have to let the canister get empty. I get panicky when I can't buy the feed myself. Mom has been buying it (she secretly swipes her card just as I'm pulling out my wallet) but now I'll have cash in hand, ready to smack that green on the counter before she can open her purse. I'm so pumped for it!

We have a Fila Braseilero, (Brazilian Mastiff) and they are known for the same things.  She will eat any animal that doesn't outrun her, but she is super protective and makes me feel safe.

My Fila boy and our horse are pals, they run around the pasture together (saves me lots of time and energy). A tired dog is a lot easier to work. He doesn't chase the chickens but they scatter when he runs thru. He has killed 2 hens tho, they were trying to steal food while he was eating. He's not usually protective/aggressive with his food but for some reason has a real problem with food thief chickens. He watches the turkeys very intently and Likes to push the toms around. Maybe because they are forever displaying and acting bullish. He marks the property so we really dont have any furry predators, even the neighbors dog has learned to stay home now that our boy is grown. He's hard on stray cats or dogs, but good with our barn cats and chi's
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Woohoo, good luck! Man, I want Marans so bad. I've got to face reality, though. I have a lot of chickens. Chicken math isn't possible for this girl, especially since I made a chicken spreadsheet with an approximate feed ration chart to keep me from being stupid. Now, I'm working on keeping in check and not buying anymore babies.

I miss having baby chicks.
A spread sheet? That's a great idea.... me next? I think I am up to $10.50 a dozen! Darn grow outs need to start earning their keep. Don't even get me started on bleep'n ducks and the cost of their eggs. I never want to see that spread sheet
Lockdown this morning for the eggs that the incubator accidently got unplugged for over 24 hrs. I'm going to candle in a bit and lock those babies down. The good news is they aren't shipped. My mom brought them directly from zootopia so here is high hopes that they are survivor babies!!!! Waiting on DS to get home from Sat morn football workout so we can process 7 extra roos. The freezer will be in good shape for awhile. Problem is that I have a big ole 16 yr old boy that eats ALOT.
A spread sheet? That's a great idea.... me next?  I think I am up to $10.50 a dozen! Darn grow outs need to start earning their keep. Don't even get me started on  bleep'n ducks and the cost of their eggs. I never want to see that spread sheet:he

I have loads of fairly small young pullets and cockerels that don't eat nearly as much as their mothers. They don't take up much food comparably. I also don't have many huge breeds, mostly just game breeds. I think it costs us about $13 for the main flock feed. For the turkeys/ducks/quail, we have a separate feed that will last us maybe a month if I work it right, but it also costs us $17. I'm working on getting a good mix of feeds that will feed all the flock, including turkeys and ducks. That'll save me some time and money. I won't have to separate them for the rest of the flock anymore (quail excluded :D ) I just want to keep everything nice and simple for me, which will be fantastic! Woot!
I just picked up some coocoo Maran eggs from Melissa Rose. I swear, that woman is a godsend! She is just a wonderful chicken goddess!!! These eggs are gorgeous! Eggzactly the egg colors I'm looking for! Ahhhh!!!! So happy!!! Setting them tonight!

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