
Thank you folks for the info on ferrmented feed. Don't have any chicks yet, but will save the info for later. Going to try this on our big birds. We feed layer crumbles, scratch and some fresh veggies as treats. They love the core of sweet peppers. They go crazy for the seeds!.We have twenty birds, would it hurt them to give them a whole head of lettuce and let them have fun with it? When I have stale biscuits we toss a couple of them in the yard and they play keep-away, we call it chicken soccer.
Thank you folks for the info on ferrmented feed. Don't have any chicks yet, but will save the info for later. Going to try this on our big birds. We feed layer crumbles, scratch and some fresh veggies as treats. They love the core of sweet peppers. They go crazy for the seeds!.We have twenty birds, would it hurt them to give them a whole head of lettuce and let them have fun with it? When I have stale biscuits we toss a couple of them in the yard and they play keep-away, we call it chicken soccer.

I have heard of people putting lettuce and kale out to the birds. Sounds like you are having fun!

Lisa :)
Got my first chicken book in the mail today. "Fresh Eggs Daily". Only read a few pages but I'm excited. Herbs and good diet are the best way to go for me.I don't like using chemicals and meds unless no other choice. I don't use chemicals on my garden and hate the thought of what we get in our food. Best meat I have in my freezer is the venison from our fall hunt. I'm sure we will eventually eat some of our chickens. Not looking forward to that day though. Kinda gotten attached to a few of them. LOL just looked out the window and there's a chicken looking in!
Fermenting the feed makes it more nutritious and you also need to feed less so it saves money too..

I do ferment my feed, but everything about fermenting goes against my nature to feed fresh food, not rotting food. I mentioned fermenting to the avian vet, and asked him briefly about the merits. He wasn't so sure that fermenting was such a benefit for chickens as the fermenters claim. I'm not sure they really do eat less. I think they waste less, which is not the same. A lot of the people who ferment, feed once a day and then the chickens have to forage for the rest of their food. I know the people who ferment swear by it. I do it, but I'm on the fence. The next time I go to the vet I'll ask him why he is not as enamored with fermenting as the fermenters are.
The below is from www.the-chicken-chick.com It's what I go by:

STARTER FEED, Day 1 to 8 weeks (Chicks)
Day-old chicks through 8 weeks old require starter feed containing 20% protein. Starter feed contains the highest percentage of protein a layer will ever consume, which makes sense given their astronomical rate of growth in the first few months of life.
GROWER FEED, 8 weeks to 18 weeks (Teenagers)
With its higher protein content, starter ration can rush a young pullet's developing body into egg-laying before it's ready. Adolescent chickens (I call them teenagers) should be provided with grower ration containing 16-18% protein, slightly less than starter.

Layer feed should never be fed to chickens younger than 18 weeks as it contains calcium that can permanently damage the kidneys, cause kidney stones, reduce lifetime egg production and shorten a bird's lifespan. Again, grit should be made available to teenagers that do not foraging outside who consume treats.

LAYER FEED, 18 weeks and older (The Big Girls)

Layer feed is available in mash, crumble or pellet forms, all of which describe the size of the feed; mash is the smallest, pellets, the largest. Layer feed contains 16-18% protein plus added calcium, which is necessary for eggshell production. Laying hens can be fed layer ration as early as 18 weeks or as late as the arrival of their first egg, but should not be fed to birds younger than 18 weeks old.
While layer feed contains calcium, an additional source of calcium, such as crushed oyster shells or clean eggshells, should be made available in a separate dish, apart from the feed. All laying hens have different calcium requirements and will consume as much calcium as they need. Oyster shells should never be added directly to feed as excess calcium can be detrimental to those birds not requiring as much. Hens deprived of adequate amounts of calcium will utilize the calcium stored within their own bones to produce eggshells, which is unhealthy for them.
Commercial layer feed provides all of the daily nutritional elements a chicken requires. Providing snacks, treats or table scraps in addition to their feed interferes with that balanced diet to a degree, depending on the type of treat and amount consumed. Limiting snacks and treats, even healthy choices such as mealworms, homemade flock block substitute and pumpkin/pumpkin seeds, ensures that flock members are getting everything they need and avoids problems such as obesity, feather picking, egg binding and reduced egg production.
Got my first chicken book in the mail today.  "Fresh Eggs Daily".  Only read a few pages but I'm excited.  Herbs and good diet are the best way to go for me.I don't like using chemicals and meds unless no other choice. I don't use chemicals on my garden and hate the thought of what we get in our food.  Best meat I have in my freezer is the venison from our fall hunt. I'm sure we will eventually eat some of our chickens.  Not looking forward to that day though.  Kinda gotten attached to a few of them. LOL just looked out the window and there's a chicken looking in!
Hi folks, just went out in search of more info on fermented feed. Missbee? anyway she has it pretty much down. This article explains why it's good and the do's and don'ts of making and using it. i found it very helpful and am definitly going to do it. http://www.gardenbetty.com/2013/05/why-and-how-to-ferment-your-chicken-feed/
You will be very glad you did. I have been fermenting for 6 or 7 months and don't think I will be going back to the old way any time soon. Good luck.

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