
I came across this today and got a chuckle out of it. I don't think I could ever eat a silkie.

I ate my unwanted cockerels, except for the little Silkie cockerel that just hasn't been any trouble so why should he go to freezer camp? I skinned them and put them in a curry and made soup from the carcass. One Silkie fed my husband and me for two meals.
I came across this today and got a chuckle out of it. I don't think I could ever eat a silkie.

Sure looks different from a "regular" chicken!

About the DE in feed. I don't think there is THE perfect feed. I would like to use Scratch and Peck feed. I like that it's organic and soy free. But the closest dealer is 90 miles away in Louisiana, and I'm not driving that far for chicken feed. I am looking into the Coyote Creek feed. They have a soy free layer formula, but it also has the DE in it.
Food question for the newbie. I am considering using Organic, Naturally Free Layer Chicken Feed, 25lbs (http://www.amazon.com/Organic-Naturally-Layer-Chicken-25lbs/dp/B0068SP1XE/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t ). Has anyone used this? I'm willing to pay the shipping costs as the closest store is 90 miles away in San Angelo.

Also, do you or can you combine it with this:F.M. Brown's Encore Natural Egg Layer Booster Daily Diet for Pets, 20-Pound (http://www.amazon.com/F-M-Browns-Natural-Booster-20-Pound/dp/B0042FMBEM/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top )

Thanks in advance!!! I have no idea what I'm doing. Lol I'm reading as much as I can!
There's also a store in Many, La. But it's almost 90 miles from Henderson, so no closer.

Howdy Ya'll!
Located in San Antonio, just a few minuets east of downtown.(where the Alamo is)
Have a total of 8 chickens - 2 Silkies, 3 Seabrights, 1 Polish, & 2 EE's. Also have 2 dogs!
Our little flock free range during the day and roost in a chicken tractor at night.
Welcome to BYC!

Going to check on my babies. First night in the coop brooder.
Do I also feed oyster shells? Thanks again!
You should feed oyster shells or their egg shells freely. From what I have read they prefer egg shells. It doesn't lead to egg eating if you feed egg shells.
Alright y'all. Eggs are on their way. Here is my redneck "Coolerbator" on steroids. Redundant heating and ventilation systems. Can run 110V or off of my solar battery bank at 12V(Can also utilize the 3000 watt inverter off of the solar in a REAL pinch). Temp and humidity look to be getting right. Help me out here. What temp and humidity have y'all had the best luck with in our neck of the woods? Opinions are much appreciated here. Thanks. :fl
Great job!
Sure looks different from a "regular" chicken! About the DE in feed. I don't think there is THE perfect feed. I would like to use Scratch and Peck feed. I like that it's organic and soy free. But the closest dealer is 90 miles away in Louisiana, and I'm not driving that far for chicken feed. I am looking into the Coyote Creek feed. They have a soy free layer formula, but it also has the DE in it. There's also a store in Many, La. But it's almost 90 miles from Henderson, so no closer. Going to check on my babies. First night in the coop brooder.
How did they do? From what I have read DE is in a lot of food. I'm going to try Texas Naturals first and if I don't like it switch to Coyote Creek Farms. I'd like to get S and P but it is too expensive to have it shipped. I'm looking into Azure to have it dropped shipped but I'm not sure that I want to do that. If something happens to the feed or you run out before the drop date you are in big trouble. I don't like changing feeds on the fly like that.
You should feed oyster shells or their egg shells freely. From what I have read they prefer egg shells. It doesn't lead to egg eating if you feed egg shells.
Great job!
How did they do?

From what I have read DE is in a lot of food. I'm going to try Texas Naturals first and if I don't like it switch to Coyote Creek Farms. I'd like to get S and P but it is too expensive to have it shipped. I'm looking into Azure to have it dropped shipped but I'm not sure that I want to do that. If something happens to the feed or you run out before the drop date you are in big trouble. I don't like changing feeds on the fly like that.

They made it through the night just fine! I refilled their feeder, and I'll refill their water on my next trip out. I got a flip top feeder. I like it much better than the upside down canister feeders. Not near as much wasted feed. The feed would just pour out of the canister feeders. :(

I'm with you on the shipping. Hate to run out and not have a way to get anymore, or have to drive a good ways to get some. You never know what might come up and you won't have time to make a long run for feed.

Texas Naturals is a peanut based feed, which I'm not thrilled with. Coyote Creek is soy based, which I'm even less thrilled about. If Coyote had a soy free starter, I would go with them. Once my chicks reach laying age, I am thinking about switching them over to Coyote and see how it goes. I haven't called about prices yet, so I'll have to see what the difference is.
Alright y'all. Eggs are on their way. Here is my redneck "Coolerbator" on steroids. Redundant heating and ventilation systems. Can run 110V or off of my solar battery bank at 12V(Can also utilize the 3000 watt inverter off of the solar in a REAL pinch). Temp and humidity look to be getting right. Help me out here. What temp and humidity have y'all had the best luck with in our neck of the woods? Opinions are much appreciated here. Thanks. :fl
I'm not a pro by any means, but so far I'm on hatch number 5, with 5 successful (90% hatched) hatches. I run 99.5/100 degree and 55% humidity, then 68-70% humidity on lockdown.
They made it through the night just fine! I refilled their feeder, and I'll refill their water on my next trip out. I got a flip top feeder. I like it much better than the upside down canister feeders. Not near as much wasted feed. The feed would just pour out of the canister feeders. :(

I'm with you on the shipping. Hate to run out and not have a way to get anymore, or have to drive a good ways to get some. You never know what might come up and you won't have time to make a long run for feed.

Texas Naturals is a peanut based feed, which I'm not thrilled with. Coyote Creek is soy based, which I'm even less thrilled about. If Coyote had a soy free starter, I would go with them. Once my chicks reach laying age, I am thinking about switching them over to Coyote and see how it goes. I haven't called about prices yet, so I'll have to see what the difference is.
Where did you find the ingredients on the CCF? I can't find them on their site. I don't want to feed soy, even if it is organic. Texas Naturals also has fish as a protein source.

I found out with Azure shipping can be free and the food is priced pretty nicely. You may have to pay a shipping fee with them depending on how far off their route you are. I'm calling them today. The one thing I noticed on the site was you have to buy bulk. I'm not sure I need 40 lbs of starter for the chicks. But then I don't know how much of any food I need for them. I may start out with local food and then switch. I may also cut the S&P feed with a local feed to even out the cost more and that way if I run out of S&P feeding just the local food won't be bad for them since they are already eating it.
I read this on the Fermented Feed thread....

Quote: I'm just going to use the Texas Naturals feed. It's local, a good price and non-gmo.

One less thing to stress over now. :) I'm getting there!

I'm going to pick up a bag of starter today and get it fermenting. I may have a chick coming next week.
Good morning yall!!! new chick question. My second set of hatchlings are due at the end of this month....Here in our great state of Texas, what are the typical vaccines we should be administering and other new chick procedures as far as medical goes?

Ok deep litter people. I'm cleaning the leaves out of my flower beds and yards today. My question is should I put them down on the floor of my coop bed and then put my pine shaving to start my DL??
Ok deep litter people. I'm cleaning the leaves out of my flower beds and yards today. My question is should I put them down on the floor of my coop bed and then put my pine shaving to start my DL??
They are going to mix it all up scratching it around anyway so I don't think it will matter which goes first.

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