
I'm considering fermenting myself. I've read great things about it. It's reported to be more nutritious and cuts down on feed costs due to eating less and less waste. I would imagine (assumption only) that they would require a little less water as well, considering the feed is moist. I'm starting out with dry feed but may add in fermented gradually.

Humm I may have to read up on that then.
Well looks like my American game hicks will have to be seperated at 8.5 weeks. They just won't stop, even my barred rocks that I have in with them have stared fighting, which is normal for the pecking order, except that the game chicks will not leave them alone, so alone time it is.
I'm considering fermenting myself. I've read great things about it. It's reported to be more nutritious and cuts down on feed costs due to eating less and less waste. I would imagine (assumption only) that they would require a little less water as well, considering the feed is moist. I'm starting out with dry feed but may add in fermented gradually.

They do drink less water with fermented feed. Especially the chicks because I add a little bit of extra water to theirs.
I started fermenting to save money and I had read it's better for your chickens. But it has also gotten rid of my rat problem because it eliminates the feed they spilled on the ground with dry food and there's nothing for the rats/mice to eat.
It also makes their poop not stink and reduces the fly problem.

Yes. Every dog is different. You have to find what works. I think I won Mack over, earlier. We did a two hour non stop praising exercise. He now knows stop, stay, down, sit, and is working on leave it. After training he's stuck to me like glue. I can't even go pee without him now.

Hopefully we have a break through moment soon. He's beautiful and I'd love to keep him as part of our fur family.

I also gated off two rooms that are now cat only, Mack free zones. Its the two rooms the cats spend a lot of time in already.

Clovis, have a safe trip! I've got dibs on your barn if you don't come back!

Also, don't Cayugas come in a crested variety? She sure looks like one.
no fair!

no it wont let me but I looked and the ones I found werre pick up only and not in my state
hat bout....geez I'm trying to remember her screen name..but I think her name was Lauren?
She did graphic design and had muscovies, chickens and guineas right?

Do they have food/water in the coop? Maybe move the food/water out in the run during the day, or have it in both places if possible. I keep a small amount of feed in the run, with all of their water. I do move their water into the coop if the weather is going to be extremely bad, but that's rare here. I use to only feed in the run but I think the wild birds were eating more than the chickens. Without seeing your set up, its hard to know. They might not feel protected from predators, they might be to hot, they might not like the wind...or they might just like their coop!
Our younger group spends more time in the coop than the older group.


I would hang out in the coop all day too if I were them! We need to agree now to never show these pictures to my chickens...then they won't know how much we've slacked on theirs!
You and me both.
This gave me SOOO many ideas though!
And I could totally do it for 12 instead of 10..lol
I still have room for 4 more ;)
5 once I get rid of Mr. Silkie Roo...

Hummm I may have stummbled on to somthing here. I am scared crapless of spiders to the point I will pass out. And I told hubby one good thing about having chickens is when I see a spider in house now I can pickup a chicken and it can kill spider for me when he is at work. I love my chickens lmao.
I do that with Mosquito hawks! Didn't think about spiders..maybe I just need a house chicken...that's not totally crazy, right?
They do drink less water with fermented feed. Especially the chicks because I add a little bit of extra water to theirs.
I started fermenting to save money and I had read it's better for your chickens. But it has also gotten rid of my rat problem because it eliminates the feed they spilled on the ground with dry food and there's nothing for the rats/mice to eat.
It also makes their poop not stink and reduces the fly problem.


The reduced smell of poop and reduced fly population won me over. How do you do fermented feed? I'd like to try if for my chickens, ducks, and geese. I saw the link but need the cliff notes version as I am going after feed and supplies for my flock in a bit. I wasn't fully prepared for laying ducks. I need oyster shell and a non-medicated laying mash for them. I have flockraiser crumble for my chick and geese, and of coarse grit.
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:gig no fair!

hat bout....geez I'm trying to remember her screen name..but I think her name was Lauren?
She did graphic design and had muscovies, chickens and guineas right?

You and me both.
This gave me SOOO many ideas though!
And I could totally do it for 12 instead of 10..lol
I still have room for 4 more ;)
5 once I get rid of Mr. Silkie Roo...

:gig  I do that with Mosquito hawks! Didn't think about spiders..maybe I just need a house chicken...that's not totally crazy, right? :rolleyes:

Nope u just gave me a new ideal for a pet. Now to sneak it past hubby. Maybe I can convice him it is a foreign dog breed lmao.

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