
And the age old question that I'm sure has been asked a billion times:

How does everyone store their eggs?
Wash vs washed
Room temp vs fridge

No roo here, so no fertilization to worry about.

I only have one laying, but they're all the same age so I gather it will pick up soon.
We'll sell a few and keep the rest :)
Right now I have one unwashed in the cabinet.
I know once you wash, the "bloom" is removed, and shelf life is diminished, correct?

Yes, washing the bloom off decreases shelf life.

Unwashed unless absolutely filthy, then wash and use ASAP

Some in fridge, some on counter. Some things do better with eggs at a specific temp of cold or room temp - I have better luck making mayonnaise with cold eggs

Am starting to dehydrate some eggs and cover other eggs in mineral oil and storing them in ice chests for longer term storage, since we get more eggs than we can eat but when they molt or slow down with too many broodies/winter time, sometimes I have had to buy eggs, which I hate. Was pleased to find someone recently had tried out the mineral oil on the shell thing and then opened them up and used them after a year and the eggs were still good. So decided to try it myself.
I hope so! They gave me 3 eggs on Sunday, but only 1 egg a day since....
Interesting, mineral oil? Do you just coat them with it, or do you let them sit in it during storage?

Just wipe it all over the egg - it provides a better barrier to air than the bloom alone. Could use plant or animal based oils also - years ago they dipped eggs in melted lard for storage - but plant and animal oils tend to go rancid so the recommendation is for mineral oil.
Got the snake!!!
DH mowed the front grass and then we decided to search again and found it! Was wrapped up tight against the tree hiding in the ivy and leaves. Got it pinned with the rake and dispatched it in the drive way with the machete. One less threat to our chickens!!
Should there be a cut off time for brooding? It looks like we have one good egg under Nellie that should hatch next Sunday. The other egg she's sitting is opaque but I saw no air chamber. Then two days ago the other bantam Belle, went broody again. She ditched Speedy her chick and was on 3 eggs. The next day she had 9 thanks to my other hens. So we gave her 5 eggs to sit. Don't know if that was a good decision or not with the heat coming on. Just wondering.
Quote: Cool, thanks for that info. Good idea to be able to save some when they go on egg strike!

Got the snake!!!
DH mowed the front grass and then we decided to search again and found it! Was wrapped up tight against the tree hiding in the ivy and leaves. Got it pinned with the rake and dispatched it in the drive way with the machete. One less threat to our chickens!!

Quote: Yes I did. The gentleman that owned them was 80 but he moved around like a jack rabbit, so full of energy and so nice. Enjoyed the hour I was there gathering them up.
Should there be a cut off time for brooding? It looks like we have one good egg under Nellie that should hatch next Sunday. The other egg she's sitting is opaque but I saw no air chamber. Then two days ago the other bantam Belle, went broody again. She ditched Speedy her chick and was on 3 eggs. The next day she had 9 thanks to my other hens. So we gave her 5 eggs to sit. Don't know if that was a good decision or not with the heat coming on. Just wondering.

They can get pretty deconditioned and lose a good deal of weight when they are broody. Even lost a couple of my good hens last year to dehydration from being broody in July & Aug and not taking in enough water. Unless I specifically am wanting a hen to brood, they get put into the broody breaker cage to avoid any more deconditioning.

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