
Same here...so much we need to do...chicken house needs cleaning, we are getting low on firewood but it's to soggy to drive the 4 wheeler and I have two deer hides in a tanning bath that I so want to finish working. Plus...we miss the sun! Rain is good but starting to get cabin fever...just need a break from the drearies! Pretty sure our chickens feel the same way...only a few venture out, most hang out in the house.
Same here...so much we need to do...chicken house needs cleaning, we are getting low on firewood but it's to soggy to drive the 4 wheeler and I have two deer hides in a tanning bath that I so want to finish working. Plus...we miss the sun! Rain is good but starting to get cabin fever...just need a break from the drearies! Pretty sure our chickens feel the same way...only a few venture out, most hang out in the house.

Oh I feel you. All the firewood I brought up under the patio cover still go wet and won't burn and I really need to go to the feed store for shaving and whatnot. I am so ready for my ducklings to go outside! I'm counting down the days till they can handle the cooler weather and rain. They will finally move to the garage this week so my guest room would be free but then I have to deep clean it for my inlaws that will be visiting. To top it off they are brining their 2 dogs who I'm pretty sure will kill my ducks if given the chance.
Glad I'm not the only one dealing with terrible weather. It's been a soggy mess here and I have so much building to do its unreal. The birds don't seem to mind, though. They're just upset they can't get a good dust bath. We've only gotten one egg all week, too. Even with bribes and treats. No sun, no egg. Our barred rock is the only hen laying right now.

We lost our lone male quail, too. Guess he got to cold. I feel pretty bad I didn't put a light on him. He was really aggressive though so I'm not going to mourn him.

Thankfully the chicks are thriving. Lost one that was a failure to thrive, it was day old size and they're almost two weeks old. He got trampled... Lost two to... Well, not really sure how but they were out of the brooder in another room huddled together. Found no cracks where they could've got out but they didn't warm back up and died.

Praying for some sunlight we need it.
Glad I'm not the only one dealing with terrible weather. It's been a soggy mess here and I have so much building to do its unreal. The birds don't seem to mind, though. They're just upset they can't get a good dust bath. We've only gotten one egg all week, too. Even with bribes and treats. No sun, no egg. Our barred rock is the only hen laying right now.

We lost our lone male quail, too. Guess he got to cold. I feel pretty bad I didn't put a light on him. He was really aggressive though so I'm not going to mourn him.

Thankfully the chicks are thriving. Lost one that was a failure to thrive, it was day old size and they're almost two weeks old. He got trampled... Lost two to... Well, not really sure how but they were out of the brooder in another room huddled together. Found no cracks where they could've got out but they didn't warm back up and died.

Praying for some sunlight we need it.

My place in Cleveland was holding up decently, except for a few places, but I think it's finally officially a nasty mess. Just awful. I hate going out in it & feel sorry for all my animals. Laying doesn't seem to have been affected much, if any, but I'm only getting a handful a day anyway right now. We've been trying for a while now (between weather & boyfriend's work) to build more (much needed) pens for my layers. I think I can say it has been worse, though. @wday, hi neighbor.

Latest pic of my girls.
Livingston is wet too.
The run is a mess, nobody likes it but the ducks.

I have a trio of fawn and white runner ducks that I want to give away. Two ducks and a drake. The ducks have been laying, but slowed down. I got them last spring, so they are not even a year old yet. We are moving to the Tyler area, and I don't want to take them. Just keeping the chickens. How about it? Anybody close by that would like to have them?

I don't mind taking them to the Tyler area or at any point between here and there.
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Some of mine (from a little while back)....Lavender Orps & Mille Fleur Leghorns

I also have some Black Copper Marans, a Cream Legbar trio, a Buff Orp trio, a RIR trio w/a couple of GSL hens, Welsummers, a Coronation Sussex trio, Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes, peafowl & my boyfriend has a lot of game fowl that I take care of when he works. Of all of these, the most I have of anything is 8 (Wyandottes)--all others are smaller groups. Some of these are currently laying, while others have, or are just coming of age & some have laid, but not since before summer (molt). I love these Lavenders & my Sussex. Can't wait for spring when I hope pretty much everyone will be laying & I hope to do some hatching! :)
It is wet in my neck of the woods also. In fact, it is thundering as I type. Looks like one more good band to come through, and the rain should be over for a while. We had 3.4 in when I checked the rain gauge yesterday.

My chickens are doing fine. I let them out in the big run yesterday. They really like getting out there. So glad DH and I finally got it finished. I'm still getting eggs, thankfully. I get 3 on the low end, up to 8 some days. Enough to keep us and family members in eggs.

Since my run is complete, I'm hoping to get a few more this spring. I'm leaning toward some colored Orps. I'm wanting heritage instead of hatchery. I also wouldn't mind some Welsummers or Marans for the darker eggs.

I'll be glad when this rain is over with. So much I want/need to do that is not possible in all this rain. I'm heading to the gun show in Longview today since there is not much we can do outside.

Hope everyone has a great day!

@hensfortherapy ~ So glad your girl is starting to lay again! Hopefully more will follow. :)

@Baymule ~ Welcome to my neck of the woods. I'm just an hour East of you. In fact, I go to Tyler every couple of months to my Rheumatologist.

@StelleKitten ~ Hope everything turns out ok.

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