
It finally stopped raining long enough for me to paint! We have been doing some landscaping around the coop as well (in the rain, of course). The girls have feathered wings and are enjoying the gift of flight. I never knew chickens would be so fun!


Looks great!
Hi folks....good to be back on a real computer!!! I know everyone is tired of the rain. We've gotten nearly 8 inches with this last round. My poor chickens are miserable having to hold up in their house. The cochins have filthy feet...poor babies! They are 6 weeks old and finally learning to use the roost. We still have to put a couple of them up at night but at least their feet can stay dry. My backyard is a swamp since it is thew lowest part of the property. It started drying a bit today, just in time for another inch this evening.
My bean plants are holding up, a few are beat down. Just glad we staked the tomatoes and peppers before all this rain started. I don't know if we'll put in our big garden this year or not. Can't even think about taking the tractor into it. Would sink and be there till fall! So ready for some days of dry and sunshine

We have built a second pen and coop for the bantams. The big roos were just too hard on them.
After de-spuring my big boys our big ladies are growing new feathers.

In January my little white bantam went missing. Thought she was gone. She showed up after three days By the time I got outside to catch her she was gone again...hmmm? A few days later she showed up again,,,soaking wet. Ah Ha, I know what she's been doing. It took some searching but we found her nest in the dewberry thicket. She had 14 beautiful eggs. Well it was going to be well below freezing that night so we decided to try and move the nest. BAD idea! After putting her and the nest in a crate and secluding her we hoped for the best. She killed them all!!. We checked her the next morning and she had either broken or kicked the eggs to the wall. She hasn't gone broody since. Still think we made the right decision though...we saved the hen. It was also a really bad time to have chicks hatching.

Had some predator issues this spring...lost three of our hens. One was Becka...my beautiful broody sebright bantam. They were being harassed by the roos and flew over the fence. Something got them in the woods about dusk...left nothing but a pile of feathers. Now all wings are clipped!!! And their own pen! Also lost my handsome Aussie roo...Mick. Poor guy...some how he got hung in the gate rails..we think he was trying to avoid another roo...anyway I found him hanging in the gate when I went to put them up for the night....cried like a baby, I did. He was a good roo too! Bad things happen d**n if they don't!

On a positive note....Received our 21 chicks from ideal Thursday. Only lost one. She had a prolapse navel, nothing I could do.

We got 3 buff orfs, 3 Americaunas, 3 Aussies, 3 Jersy giants, all pullets....yeah!!!
Also 3 sebrights and three silkies, they are straight run so hope we get at least a couple of hens. DH loves the little birds.

Tomorrow we will be driving to Cameron...150 miles to pick up our 5 Gold lace wyndotte pullets that weren't ready for the rest of the order. Decided to make a day trip out of it. It will save the freight and won't have to take any packing peanut roos!

Here are some pics of the new babies.

Take care folks...Magpie
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