
I wish I could have some! I have three quail instead haha. But I have big plans for my property.

There is a 36'x32' Layer chicken yard with a layer coop built out of a recycled camper. An area for a pool, then a 8'x16' pigeon aviary, a 12'x16' patio, and a 4'x16' pond next to it all in the back yard.
Now 20' in front of the house is where all the pens, shop, kennels, coops, barn and garden are.
There will be a 20'x40' car and tool shop for clay, with a 12' wide carport extension from the shop, next to that is the 56'x32' garden. Now behind the garden and shop we have quail and rabbit pens. There will be 12 pens that are 12'x16', these are the doe pens, they will house a pair of does and their kits till they are sold or old enough to butcher. There will be 6 buck pens that are 8'x12' to house a single buck. As for the quail pens there will be 6 that are 4'x8' and 9 that are 8'x8'. The smaller pens are for special breeds that need to be kept on pairs or trios, while the larger are for growing to butcher/sale and for coturnix quail colonies.
Across from these is the poultry house, and the dog kennels. There are two storage rooms in the poultry co-op that are 4'x8', one is for supply storage, and the other is for a brooder and incubator room. There are 8 coops, all 4'x8' in size. Each one contains a different breed of chicken, and two are used for turkeys and ducks. The chickens have runs that will be 32'x8', while the turkeys and ducks will have a run that is 32'x16'. The dog kennels are in their own little building that connects to the back yard. There are a total of 9 kennels. 4 are for female dogs that will be getting bred and are larger, they will be 8'x12'. 5 kennels are 8'x8' and these will be for stud dogs or boarders if I need to watch anyone's dogs or do some fostering. There is also a bathing area/storage area that is 8'x12'.
Last but not least is the sheep and goat barn, it will be 28'x40', with a 12'x24' storage area for hay, feed, and other misc for the goats, sheep, quail, and rabbits. The other space in the barn is for the goats and sheep, it will have two doors that lead to two separate pastures, each being 138'x65', so that we can rotate pastures to give the grass a rest.

Now I am jealous! What a well-thought out plan. You are going to be one busy lady! I wish you the best of luck in getting everything in place. I hope you keep us posted on what is happening.
I haven't been on here to update in a while, but I have some good news and bad news. I will start with the bad so the good news can brighten it up haha. My doctors are 90% sure I have endomitriosis, and the pain is so bad at times all I can do is lay in the fetal position and try not to scream. So I am trying to find ways to deal with the pain, as well as trying to give myself the realization that I may never have kids thanks to it. It makes it difficult to work sometimes since grooming is a physically demanding job, and I am the only one in my department, it can get frustrating to everyone when I have to call in. On the good news, my husband and I now are the proud owners of 1 acre, and a 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home! It needs work, but it is ours! The house will be getting moved to the property as soon as it dries up a bit. We have already picked out paint colors haha. There are a few places where the drywall needs to be replaced, but it is not a big deal since the roof is not leaking any longer, and we can do that one piece at a time. We also want to redo the flooring, at least in the kitchen and bathrooms. I would really like to pull up the carpet, but my husband wants to leave it for now haha. We also will have to figure out how to install window units in some of the rooms, since we cant afford a central unit. We will also be turning the central ac/heat closet into a pantry since we won't be using it haha. Super excited. It will still be a while before I am able to get back into chickens again, but I hope not too long. :) I plan to build a 12' by 40' building for my poultry that will have 8 4' by 8' coops , and two storage rooms. There will be one coop for turkey, one for muscovy ducks, then six for different breeds of chickens. I also plan to convert an old camper trailer into another coop for a large layer flock. :) I cannot wait.
Both my daughter and daughter in law had endometriosis. Both had to have hysterectomies. But there IS adoption. My son and his wife adopted a little girl last year, what a joy! There is ALWAYS hope. Don't give up!!

Now I am jealous! What a well-thought out plan. You are going to be one busy lady! I wish you the best of luck in getting everything in place. I hope you keep us posted on what is happening.
Thanks haha! I hope everything goes well. It will be one step at a time. I am not sure if I want to finance a prefab building, or build it from scratch at the moment. :)

Both my daughter and daughter in law had endometriosis. Both had to have hysterectomies. But there IS adoption. My son and his wife adopted a little girl last year, what a joy! There is ALWAYS hope. Don't give up!!

That is what I am afraid of. My husband and I unfortunately will not be able to adopt thanks to my father being a registered sex offender, and since I keep in contact with my mother I am around him, thus we would not be eligible to adopt... Even if I was not in contact with him it would make it extremely hard. :(
Thanks haha! I hope everything goes well. It will be one step at a time. I am not sure if I want to finance a prefab building, or build it from scratch at the moment. :)

That is what I am afraid of. My husband and I unfortunately will not be able to adopt thanks to my father being a registered sex offender, and since I keep in contact with my mother I am around him, thus we would not be eligible to adopt... Even if I was not in contact with him it would make it extremely hard. :(
There is surrogacy. I wish you luck. Both my kids went through this, not fun!

Hi there!
Hope you got your leak problems fixed in time to save the rest of your birds.

Who made the map? (the link under your name) Is it up to date? What an awesome idea!
I'm not sure anymore. I honestly forgot about it. :) I know I need to update my location.

Sorry to hear about your loss. I guess I'm dense -- but was it bacteria from the septic that killed the chickens? (it's a newer aerobic from what I understand that you wrote -- not the old-type tank in the ground with a big drain field.) Is it that dangerous to animals? Hope you never see anything like that again.
I don't think it was bacteria because they have been hit with aerobic water before when my sprinklers went haywire. I think it's some sort of chemical they use. They don't have a service that comes out to check it and maintain it. But it wiped out two full coops (of seven coops with chickens) and had several of my birds ill. I've moved them to the front yard but it's flooded. Everything is sooo wet. The creek behind the house is overfull and flooded out into my yard. Everyone is soppy drippy wet. Even the dog who refuses to go in her house. She can't come in mine because she chews on the walls the first moment she is not being watched (or thinks she isn't being watched).

Wow, that sucks. I hate to hear about your losses. As for my coop/run, we use the deep litter method so when everything around is wet and soupy, the girls are high and dry
We use space. I don't put too many birds in a coop so that they kill off the grass. As long as it isn't wet like this, my coops have no smell. But now my grass in most of them have washed away.

I haven't been on here to update in a while, but I have some good news and bad news. I will start with the bad so the good news can brighten it up haha. My doctors are 90% sure I have endomitriosis, and the pain is so bad at times all I can do is lay in the fetal position and try not to scream. So I am trying to find ways to deal with the pain, as well as trying to give myself the realization that I may never have kids thanks to it. It makes it difficult to work sometimes since grooming is a physically demanding job, and I am the only one in my department, it can get frustrating to everyone when I have to call in. On the good news, my husband and I now are the proud owners of 1 acre, and a 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home! It needs work, but it is ours! The house will be getting moved to the property as soon as it dries up a bit. We have already picked out paint colors haha. There are a few places where the drywall needs to be replaced, but it is not a big deal since the roof is not leaking any longer, and we can do that one piece at a time. We also want to redo the flooring, at least in the kitchen and bathrooms. I would really like to pull up the carpet, but my husband wants to leave it for now haha. We also will have to figure out how to install window units in some of the rooms, since we cant afford a central unit. We will also be turning the central ac/heat closet into a pantry since we won't be using it haha. Super excited. It will still be a while before I am able to get back into chickens again, but I hope not too long. :) I plan to build a 12' by 40' building for my poultry that will have 8 4' by 8' coops , and two storage rooms. There will be one coop for turkey, one for muscovy ducks, then six for different breeds of chickens. I also plan to convert an old camper trailer into another coop for a large layer flock. :) I cannot wait.
I hope the doctors fix it for you. And congrats ont eh house!!!
I don't think it was bacteria because they have been hit with aerobic water before when my sprinklers went haywire. I think it's some sort of chemical they use. They don't have a service that comes out to check it and maintain it. But it wiped out two full coops (of seven coops with chickens) and had several of my birds ill. I've moved them to the front yard but it's flooded. Everything is sooo wet. The creek behind the house is overfull and flooded out into my yard. Everyone is soppy drippy wet. Even the dog who refuses to go in her house. She can't come in mine because she chews on the walls the first moment she is not being watched (or thinks she isn't being watched).
Your town must have different laws than Ft. Bend Cty. We have an aerobic system and we have to have it maintained. The service people come out twice a year to check it. I remember reading where you could maintain it yourself but you had to take classes and jump through some hoops to be certified. :(

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