
Have to say that my heeler is great with the chickens and even helps me out. -- the factor is more 'excitement' that switches the brain behavior than it is anything else.

These were myvvery first chickens in 2011 --

This dog is pretty much saying -- "chickens, so what?"


This dog is a bit better at cattle work -- and she is waiting for a cue from me -- as far as if she should herd them. LOL I trust her 100% with my chickens.

These photos are my first chickens 5-years ago. I'm sure over the years since then the dogs were exposed to 100s of chickens and vice versa. Different people have different expectation of dogs -- but animals that are bred to work with livestock, IMO less likely to harm them.

If you get a chance to see the trailer for this video

I did use his principles to train my dogs - to a degree......

The man who makes the video has such a way with dogs -- and the video explains that chicken killers can be conditioned NOT to kill chickens. Mine never harmed chickens -- however when there is a lot of screaming, squawking, hollering going on -- she does click into excitement gear...

Haven't read all the posts - and I know that some people say dogs can never be trusted -- on the other hand some people have dogs specifically to guard their livestock. Part of it is what you expect the dog to do -- and I don't want to weigh in to stir up controversy.

kajira- you sure woke out this thread! :O)

I'm sure different people have different experiences with dogs and chickens -- but IMO - it isn't just all one way or the other.
I agree, you have to pick and choose through all the experiences/advice. What works for one dog may not work for another. And, yes...she woke up this thread! LOL

We haven't put the collar on our boxer but if he sees the remote in our hands he still *thinks* he can get shocked, not too bright

Poor guys lips are too flappy for him to handle

I have 3 boxers!
Only my puppy (5 months) is being raised with the chickens...and so far he is perfect.
My older two (7 and 5)are not chicken friendly and will never be.
9 foot KING COBRA snake caught on the loose in Needville, TX.

A snake seller's snake got out.
He owns more than 20 deathly dangerous snakes.
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@ TexasLisa:

I have a wild mix, most of my girls are rescues. I help out with our local county animal control so I don't have a group or special breed. But I have some Rhode Island Reds, Gold Lace Wyandottes, Appenzellers, Buff Orpingtons, Leghorns, Brahmas, Bantams... you name it, I got it lol! I also have some awesome turkeys, Red Bourbons & Bronze, and have 2 of the cutest babies on the planet!


For those of you who have Chickens and Dogs living peacefully together, what breed of dog do you have?

I trained my Mom's large Pomeranian to "co-exist" with my chickens. Kept her on a leash when walking among the flock and pulled her back if she would make aggressive move toward them. It clicked in for her when I added days old chicks. I called them babies and let her watch them in their box before setting them under my brooding hen. She would watch those chicks for hours. After that she never really tried to hurt the chickens, but the hens had a healthy respect for the dog and would move out of her way when she came around. I think I was lucky.

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