
I'd like a half dozen. If i have to, I'll wait and order chicks. Right now I have 2 batches of EE's in my A-frame tractors. After I sort out the roos, I can make that into 1 batch. I really need to build that coop on the boat trailer........LOL

Just delivered my last. Down to just mine and the 4 I am holding for my neighbor who is still on vacation in CO. Sorry. I'm looking at another order, thinking about it.
What do they look like now
I've got lots of pics in my albums. I'll be adding more later.

Fort worth texas here!!! New to chickens I have 2 white leghorns. Do you need more than that to promote steady egg laying? Or will they lay regardless???

Welcome! You don't need roosters to get eggs. Roosters add nothing to the egg equation. Unless you want chicks.
As NorthTexasWink said:

[QUOTE/] Welcome! You don't need roosters to get eggs. Roosters add nothing to the egg equation. Unless you want chicks.[/QUOTE]

Want to add my welcome -- and yes, I think that two would be fine laying and more aren't required. Probably the two will be blissfully happy that there is little 'competition' and a happy chicken is a good layer.
My kids keep asking when we will have chicks so ive been thinking about getting hen that will hatch some. Any suggestion for a certain type of hen? A guy I got my leghorns from also has (sorry don't know breeds just yet) the black and white striped and golden tan hens. Are any of those good to hatch with?
Listening to the thunder, watching the trees and garden through the window, trying to relax after the hit hard work of the past few days, when I see this walking along the high lines towards my garden and coop. Move along, said the pellet gun. Nothing for you here!

My kids keep asking when we will have chicks so ive been thinking about getting hen that will hatch some. Any suggestion for a certain type of hen? A guy I got my leghorns from also has (sorry don't know breeds just yet) the black and white striped and golden tan hens. Are any of those good to hatch with?

Without a rooster, none of your eggs are fertile. No matter what hen you have. If your kids want chicks, I'd suggest reading about how to raise them, and if you still want some, buying them at the feed store to raise yourself. You can't just put chicks with a random hen of any breed and expect anything but a massacre.

I truly advise you to stick to the shallow end of the pool until you learn to swim. After you can swim and not drown in the ocean, then you can think about learning to scuba dive.
My kids keep asking when we will have chicks so ive been thinking about getting hen that will hatch some. Any suggestion for a certain type of hen? A guy I got my leghorns from also has (sorry don't know breeds just yet) the black and white striped and golden tan hens. Are any of those good to hatch with?
You can't "make" a hen hatch eggs.
You have to wait until they of broody on their own.

Black n white could be Barred Rocks.
Gold ones are probably Golden Comets or a similar "production" type bird.
I know i cant yell at the thing HATCH ME A CHICK!!!!!! And trust me I know a thing or two about fertilization. giggity
I said i was new to chickens not life people. I asked for a simple opinion on which breed is good for hatching chicks.And by the way i did learn to swim by just jumping in.
My kids keep asking when we will have chicks so ive been thinking about getting hen that will hatch some. Any suggestion for a certain type of hen? A guy I got my leghorns from also has (sorry don't know breeds just yet) the black and white striped and golden tan hens. Are any of those good to hatch with?
Silkie! Silkie! Silkie!! You can have my annoying silkie!!
She won't stop!! Awww, this is her 3rd time this year!! I let her hatch and raise chicks the first 2, then a few days ago she decided that it would be a good idea in the miserable heat to hatch a few more!! I of course kindly spoke to her about this, however she is stubborn girl!!
I wasn't trying to be nasty nor imply you were stupid, just that you might be inexperienced. I have no way of knowing, just based on your few posts.

Any breed hen can go broody. The ones that I hear most about going broody are not usually the production layer or the production meat breeds. Its usually the ornamental pet breeds like Silkies.

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