
That is impressive

Is anybody besides me still hatching eggs???? I cant seem to quit. I am on a several colors of Ameraucana and BLRW kick and I just cant seem to stop myself.

I have poults running out of my ears, keets, bantems.

Because of the heat I am outside every hour refilling the waterer's. I think I need a serious intervention.

Heck, I am!!

Just got a package of eggs in the mail this morning, and I'm expecting two other packages!

~ Aspen
That is impressive

Is anybody besides me still hatching eggs???? I cant seem to quit. I am on a several colors of Ameraucana and BLRW kick and I just cant seem to stop myself.

I have poults running out of my ears, keets, bantems.

Because of the heat I am outside every hour refilling the waterer's. I think I need a serious intervention.

Hey there South Tx girl here! x3 I just hatch out about 15 chicks right now, I had no idea I get so lucky with all these eggs, 3rd time I use my incubator. All the egg are from my Chickens :3 so they are home raise
Three of my four nest boxes had broody hens in them last night ..

Panting .. looking miserable .. sitting on those danged nests ... idiots.

Hi guys. We're part of the Texas crowd! We live in Andrews. It is just a little north of Midland/Odessa. We don't have any chickens yet as we are working on our knowledge base first. Hoping to buy some in the next month or 2.
Where do I go to find local listings of chickens and roosters that are presentable to my flock? I been browsing craigslist locally but everything I have looked at has mites not in good health and mixed with all kinds of chickens disease looking and all. I'm looking for a couple nice colorful araucana pullets and a barred rock rooster and a buff Orpington rooster in good health and mite and lice free.
How are everyone's broodies coping in this miserable heat? I have three of my silkies who have gone broody again in this triple digit heat!! I had a Welsummer sitting on some eggs, and they hatched last week. As this was her first time to be broody I only put 6 eggs under her. Two eggs were duds and two chicks who were fully formed couldn't get out of their shells (presumably because of the heat) and died in the shell.
Is there anything I can do to prevent the same thing from happening when my Silkie's chicks hatch out next weekend?

I'm also battling fire ants this summer. Mostly in my broody hen pens. Any suggestions on organic ways to get rid of them without harming my biddies?
Sorry to hear that.
those poor chicks got dried out in the shell , what I recommend to help in the hatch process is to shower the eggs on the 18 day or before they start cracking
The egg .
This how it works put the eggs in a bowl with water ,water needs to be on the 80's or close to this temperature let them float not longer than 10 seconds.
I like this process because you can see how the chick shake their eggs, this is a nother way to know which ones are gonna hatch or not.
After you pull them out of the water let them dry before you return them to the hen.
You can help by wipe them for fast drying .
I had better hatching ranges when is too hot.
Also make sure the nest is not so insulated. A nest made of hay is perfect for this high temperature
Always try to not shake the eggs too much doing this.
Another easy way is to mist the eggs twice with spray with clean water,first time on the 9 days the next one on the 18 days
Always make sure the eggs are dry when the hen return to cover them to prevent to get them attach to her feathers .
Good luck

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I think I got 18 drops of rain yesterday!

At least the wind blew and there was cloud cover .. for about 20 minutes..

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