
Just thought I'd drop in and say 'Hi' to everyone - haven't been on in a week or so - super busy with work, garden, kiddos, and baby goat kids . . . had twin bucks born last Thursday. I have 4 broody hens - I have to keep throwing eggs away because after a week or so of setting on the nests, the hens move and the eggs get cold :( I've got one hen 'locked' in a homemade nester box (I'll take pics and try to post tomorrow) and am trying to figure out a way to confine the others to the nest boxes (of course with food and water). It's been very frustrating . .
Grrr - I think I'd be locking them in too or trying to break the broodiness if they are just wasting eggs like that. Fortunately (or unfortunately) mine aren't old enough to lay yet so I haven't had to deal with that problem. That is definitely frustrating!
Howdy there Import... not in B-CS, but have certainly spent some time in the Brazos Valley!

Interesting story from our friends over at A&M and the Extension Service... If you're in Texas, and looking to start raising chickens (or are still a newbie), this might be worth checking out:

‘Clucks-for-Bucks’ program set July 27 in San Marcos
Expert: Niche market may spell opportunity for small-scale poultry producers

SAN MARCOS – Cluck, cluck, cluck. Hear that? It’s the sound of money, said a Texas AgriLife Extension Service poultry specialist.
It also could be the sound of fresh eggs for your morning breakfast, or a great project for your kids, said Dr. Craig Coufal, AgriLife Extension poultry specialist in the Texas A&M University poultry science department, College Station.
For those interested, AgriLife Extension will be holding a small-scale poultry production workshop from 8 a.m – 4:45 p.m., July 27 at the Embassy Suites San Marcos Hotel, Spa and Conference Center, 1001 E. McCarty Lane in San Marcos, he said.


Darn, too bad they are charging for the seminar...
Anyone have a good source for cheap egg cartons?
I am good friends with our local convenient store manager and after she cooks breakfast every morning for the customers, she saves the egg cartons and egg shells for me for free. Do you have a local convenient store? Maybe you could talk to the manager about them saving theirs for you . . .
What is everyone doing to keep cool when the heat hits??

Hubby just ordered me two of these: (not the fancy fan... just a SIMPLE fan but the same misting set up...)

We also got a small kids pool and are putting big rocks and cinder blocks in it for the chickens. We will be putting ice blocks in it when it gets way too hot for them. We put out an 'under the bed' size rolling rubermaid storage container and were rather amused by my chickens sitting in it during the middle of the day last week looking like soggy ducks LOL ;)

What other things do people do here in TX to keep themselves AND their birds cool?
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