Théo and the chickens des Sauches

I'll tell him about the crown jewel stuff next time I see him 🤣. I realize this. But I think for most people, like for your friend, the academic world is a difficult one to access. Like for MJ, it takes personal effort and merit to get there ; while he just had the math fairy pour some stuff over his crib. I'm proud of my parents for understanding and making me understand that personal merit and worth is not something to be judged merely by one’s social or academic position. And I'm really glad you enjoy what you do, in spite of that hard and lonely road. Grothendieck's graduate students are or were my dad's senior colleagues 😉.

Amadeo doesn't squeak anymore then, but he still makes himself heard 😁.
Is this Hypericum perforatum ? It doesn't look at all like what I've seen here.

I don't do much canning or bottling because we don't have a real kitchen appliance to cook in summer, which is when I have things to preserve. We use the wood stove from beginning of October to end of May. We only have a small bottle gaz stove and we try not to use it for cooking things that take a lot of time. We do jam on the wood stove.

We have a neighbour who does and sometimes gives us bottled pears, just in sirup (water, sugar, and vanilla).

The wound is completely healed. But the problem now is that she’s almost completely featherless on both sides and part of her back. Her wings feathers are almost all broken, there are only two or three left, so not enough for protection . It's very interesting that Light also picked her feathers ! Has she completely stopped doing it after her hard molt ?
I've been wondering if this was really a nervous behaviour, or a nutritional lack. Looking at Piou-piou picking them, it seems more like she itches. We are also expecting that only a real molt could help. In the meantime she lives mostly outside the flock, though sometimes she or Gaston escape our watch, and join each other. When he mates her once, the skin gets bruised but doesn't break, but I think three or four times would be enough to wound her again. She has some company now, the chicks hang out a bit with her, Chipie also comes out more, and Léa and Merle as well, though she is too bossy to make friends with any of them. And I think she doesn't take well to the heat, because she seems much better now it's cooler.
It was indeed very cool again today, much like a late september day and obviously the chickens fare much better with that kind of temps. I worried when Léa stayed for a long time in the nest. I was cooking with eggs and I cracked the huge mistery egg from a week ago I had forgotten about. It was a double yolker, with huge yolks. That, and then her laying three eggs in 24 hours sound like problems. Anyway just when I was bringing her some calcium in the nest, she was out like a rose and had laid a normal egg.

The chicks are beginning to switch to adult voices and it's hilarious. The black unnamed pullet makes croaking sounds that surprise everyone including her. I guess they are not chicks anymore!

And Lilly has already managed to escape the chicken's netting. It's pretty impressive how she does that for such a heavy hen : she flies over it in a place where the netting is doubled about 70 cm apart to reach the compost's pallet 😁. I knew this wouldn't last long !

Morning breakfast for the chicks and Piou-piou.
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Léa digs.
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Pied beau is still a bit too human friendly while petit blanc tends to attack shoes.
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Laure is the wildest of the bunch.
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Piou-piou caught a bug.
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Blanche was doing slightly better today.
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I love Theo and please tell him that rude and clumsy flirting does work, just ask my wife 🤣
A few reactions on older posts. I got behind with reading.


The colours in some feathers of Canelli are astonishing! Love it.

About the tapeworms. Maybe it helps (in time) if you let the poop fall in a thin layer of sand mixed with DE. If you dont use any medicines anyway, I think its worth a try. Use the food grade type wich is not harmful. Not even for chicks.
I agree that universities should be the place for very theoretical work, whether in arts, humanities, or science.
No, also imho. Practical learning, like for medicines, architecture etc. is important too. At least we have studies here on university that require a high level of comprehension and fact knowledge that goes beyond what the normal more practical studies teach. Don’t rule them out please. These people are very valuable in their professions and often innovative even if they are not very theoretical.
No sadly they don't eat St John's wort. As a result it's spread everywhere round the garden - but easy enough to cut back when it's a nuisance.
Maybe you should be glad they don’t eat it (much). For humans who take it as a supplement it has side effects, like sensitivity for the sun.
Very interesting. When I got to the US, I noticed there are much fewer near-sighted people than in China.
And I just had the thought that is it because glasses are too expensive in the US... I know many Americans were told to get glasses when they travel in China, and many do...
One in ten 10-year-olds wear glasses, around the age of 30 it is four in ten. (Source
What about contact lenses?
In the Netherlands the majority of the near-sighted wears glasses. But younger people often choose contact lenses.
No, also imho. Practical learning, like for medicines, architecture etc. is important too. At least we have studies here on university that require a high level of comprehension and fact knowledge that goes beyond what the normal more practical studies teach. Don’t rule them out please. These people are very valuable in their professions and often innovative even if they are not very theoretical.
Of course. I was really trying to say that theoretical work should have a place in university. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Contact lenses are popular in China too. (Also I was mostly joking when I say the reason there are more near-sighted people in China is because glasses/contact lenses are cheaper...)
Of course. I was really trying to say that theoretical work should have a place in university. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Contact lenses are popular in China too. (Also I was mostly joking when I say the reason there are more near-sighted people in China is because glasses/contact lenses are cheaper...)
Thanks for your response. I’m not a native English speaker. Jokes and subtle writings are not always understood due to this flaw.
yes; I'm surprised you can see it as it's barely visible through all that Peruvian raspberry (which grows like a triffid :rolleyes: ), only really the berries and red stems stand out. What does it look like there?
Sorry, it's my mistake. I didn't understand, and thought you meant the Peruvian raspberries was st John's wort! No, I can't see it. When it grows mine has very small leaf and yellow flowers and looks quite Mediterranean, in the sense that it's not lush.
I love Theo and please tell him that rude and clumsy flirting does work, just ask my wife 🤣
😁😁😁I’ll tell him , but I do hope you didn't jump continuously on Lety’s back from behind by surprise ! Even more since you told us about the weight difference 😁!
The colours in some feathers of Canelli are astonishing! Love it.
That is the baby cockerel, Pied Beau. He has only a few of those shimmering highlights but they do make quite a contrast.


Yes she completely stopped doing it now and her feather looks good.
View attachment 3602676
She especially liked to pick her feathers on her shoulders and often left them bloody :-(
I think it is because it's itchy too and the feather was not growing fast enough without the molting phase. I hope Piou-piou will get very needed feathers soon!
Yes, she looks real good in the recent pictures you posted of her. Thanks the great chicken you got that capsule out of her! And thanks for giving me hope for Piou-piou. I didn't find similar cases when I tried to search on BYC and it's good to know that Light reacted in a similar way and was able to pull out of it.
I’m a bit upset because my partner called me yesterday evening to say that we have to go celebrate his mother's birthday tomorrow night. Because her health is very uncertain, they decided that at the last moment. We’ll have to leave at 6.30 so long before the chickens are even thinking about roosting, and I'm not taking the risk of locking up the two roosters in the coop and run together. My partner doesn't want to risk leaving the run open until we come back. So the least worse solution I could find is to lock up Théo in the woodshed on his own. He is going to go crazy and frightened, but at least he’ll be safe. I wish I didn't have to go , I don't like birthday and family events. Any thoughts on whether it's best to leave him all night in there or if I should put him back in the coop when we come back, probably around 11 ?

Blanche is still here, though she is declining daily, she still eats and nibbles a bit. I think she is loosing sight from the other eye so I feed her apart from the other chickens. She’s not able to follow them anymore but she seems to want to stay close when she can. Cannelle and Nougat spend quite a bit of time with her. She's as nasty as ever with the other chickens. I just feel bad that both roosters are still mating her especially as she can't escape, but she seems to want to stay with them all the same, she seems stressed when I tried to let her come in front of our house. Since she probably sees very little she needs to be in a familiar place I guess.

Cannelle has begun face picking the other hens again


She is shedding feather dander all over her face.

Unnamed baby pullet.


Blanche and Gaston

Laure again. Her wing feathers are coming in quite right!

Two unnamed baby pullets left and right.

Théo staring at Merle on the other side of the netting
Sorry, it's my mistake. I didn't understand, and thought you meant the Peruvian raspberries was st John's wort! No, I can't see it. When it grows mine has very small leaf and yellow flowers and looks quite Mediterranean, in the sense that it's not lush.

😁😁😁I’ll tell him , but I do hope you didn't jump continuously on Lety’s back from behind by surprise ! Even more since you told us about the weight difference 😁!

That is the baby cockerel, Pied Beau. He has only a few of those shimmering highlights but they do make quite a contrast.
View attachment 3603488

Yes, she looks real good in the recent pictures you posted of her. Thanks the great chicken you got that capsule out of her! And thanks for giving me hope for Piou-piou. I didn't find similar cases when I tried to search on BYC and it's good to know that Light reacted in a similar way and was able to pull out of it.
I’m a bit upset because my partner called me yesterday evening to say that we have to go celebrate his mother's birthday tomorrow night. Because her health is very uncertain, they decided that at the last moment. We’ll have to leave at 6.30 so long before the chickens are even thinking about roosting, and I'm not taking the risk of locking up the two roosters in the coop and run together. My partner doesn't want to risk leaving the run open until we come back. So the least worse solution I could find is to lock up Théo in the woodshed on his own. He is going to go crazy and frightened, but at least he’ll be safe. I wish I didn't have to go , I don't like birthday and family events. Any thoughts on whether it's best to leave him all night in there or if I should put him back in the coop when we come back, probably around 11 ?

Blanche is still here, though she is declining daily, she still eats and nibbles a bit. I think she is loosing sight from the other eye so I feed her apart from the other chickens. She’s not able to follow them anymore but she seems to want to stay close when she can. Cannelle and Nougat spend quite a bit of time with her. She's as nasty as ever with the other chickens. I just feel bad that both roosters are still mating her especially as she can't escape, but she seems to want to stay with them all the same, she seems stressed when I tried to let her come in front of our house. Since she probably sees very little she needs to be in a familiar place I guess.

Cannelle has begun face picking the other hens again
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She is shedding feather dander all over her face.
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Unnamed baby pullet.
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Blanche and Gaston
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Laure again. Her wing feathers are coming in quite right!
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Two unnamed baby pullets left and right.
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Théo staring at Merle on the other side of the netting
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I woild put him back in familiar territory when you get home. But that is just instinct talking. I know nothing!
No, also imho. Practical learning, like for medicines, architecture etc. is important too. At least we have studies here on university that require a high level of comprehension and fact knowledge that goes beyond what the normal more practical studies teach. Don’t rule them out please. These people are very valuable in their professions and often innovative even if they are not very theoretical.
I didn't intend to rule out professional learning. I intended to rule in theorising, no matter which discipline, no matter how impractical in the short and medium terms. I'm also ok with theorising that turns out to be never practical. Knowledge for it's own sake is ok with me.

Perhaps that's what @lightm was thinking too.

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