Théo and the chickens des Sauches

Then, there was a lot of blood. The wound was clean with a rather small and deep hole. It was still bleeding quite a lot, or maybe it started bleeding again when we took the dressing off.
Oh I do hope Nieva's foot recovers. In general bleeding is a good sign - only healthy tissue bleeds - and the deep hole sounds like they really went in there to pull out the nasty plug.
I am hoping for the best for her.

Meanwhile I think Babs is over her bumblefoot. This was the last picture I took - on Tuesday night. I also sent it to the vet who agreed she could do without her treatments now, and that I should just monitor to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

I hope I haven't got my threads muddled, but I think it was here that we were sharing old, low-tech kitchen tools. Today I am making pastry (the continuing glut of peaches calls for some frangepane tarts for the freezer) and my recipe requires egg yolks.
I often separate the eggs with my hands of course but I also use this nifty device which must have been my grandmother's. It is so simple and it works really well. Just a metal cup with a slit in it. Here it is separating one of Babs' eggs for the pastry.

Oh I do hope Nieva's foot recovers. In general bleeding is a good sign - only healthy tissue bleeds - and the deep hole sounds like they really went in there to pull out the nasty plug.
I am hoping for the best for her.

Meanwhile I think Babs is over her bumblefoot. This was the last picture I took - on Tuesday night. I also sent it to the vet who agreed she could do without her treatments now, and that I should just monitor to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.
View attachment 3635477

I hope I haven't got my threads muddled, but I think it was here that we were sharing old, low-tech kitchen tools. Today I am making pastry (the continuing glut of peaches calls for some frangepane tarts for the freezer) and my recipe requires egg yolks.
I often separate the eggs with my hands of course but I also use this nifty device which must have been my grandmother's. It is so simple and it works really well. Just a metal cup with a slit in it. Here it is separating one of Babs' eggs for the pastry.
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What a lovely teacup!

And congratulations on getting Babs over her bumblefoot!
Unfortunately we had no rain and it seems today again the thunderstorm will avoid us, but the grey, cooler weather is a relief from the heat.
I'm almost frightened of what summer will bring this year. We've had two days in the low 30s this week but a cool change blew through last night so we're back down to the low 20s again.
Awww. Thank you. That is one of the only cups remaining from my grandmother’s China set. I have the odd saucer and a sugar basin as well, but I use the cup most days for cracking eggs into.
I've got one cup of my grandmother's too. I'd love to find a matching saucer but so far I've had no luck.
Are you familiar with these folk?
It is a US site but in my experience covers many old non-US designs.
Worth a look maybe?
I last checked Replacements for the shape and pattern about six months ago. It's time to take another look. They may have it now.

ETA No, they don't have it. Some of the patterns that were sold in Australia are hard to track down. Sometimes I wonder if the factory's records were destroyed in WWII. What I really should do is consult an expert, but to be honest, it's not an urgent task and for now, there are many other things I should be doing with my time.
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Oh I do hope Nieva's foot recovers. In general bleeding is a good sign - only healthy tissue bleeds - and the deep hole sounds like they really went in there to pull out the nasty plug.
I am hoping for the best for her.

Meanwhile I think Babs is over her bumblefoot. This was the last picture I took - on Tuesday night. I also sent it to the vet who agreed she could do without her treatments now, and that I should just monitor to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.
View attachment 3635477

I hope I haven't got my threads muddled, but I think it was here that we were sharing old, low-tech kitchen tools. Today I am making pastry (the continuing glut of peaches calls for some frangepane tarts for the freezer) and my recipe requires egg yolks.
I often separate the eggs with my hands of course but I also use this nifty device which must have been my grandmother's. It is so simple and it works really well. Just a metal cup with a slit in it. Here it is separating one of Babs' eggs for the pastry.
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View attachment 3635479
Cute foot!
@ManueB My Katrientje was moulting lightly and broody at the same time. But I don’t recall it’s very common they do.

Good luck with Nieva’s bumble foot and thanks for the updates/photo’s.

Congrats @RoyalChick with Babs her healed foot! I love your egg divider. Never seen such a kitchen tool before.
Oh I do hope Nieva's foot recovers. In general bleeding is a good sign - only healthy tissue bleeds - and the deep hole sounds like they really went in there to pull out the nasty plug.
I am hoping for the best for her.

Meanwhile I think Babs is over her bumblefoot. This was the last picture I took - on Tuesday night. I also sent it to the vet who agreed she could do without her treatments now, and that I should just monitor to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.
View attachment 3635477

I hope I haven't got my threads muddled, but I think it was here that we were sharing old, low-tech kitchen tools. Today I am making pastry (the continuing glut of peaches calls for some frangepane tarts for the freezer) and my recipe requires egg yolks.
I often separate the eggs with my hands of course but I also use this nifty device which must have been my grandmother's. It is so simple and it works really well. Just a metal cup with a slit in it. Here it is separating one of Babs' eggs for the pastry.
View attachment 3635480
View attachment 3635479
Bab's foot look definitely healed.
And your picture convinces me that the leghorns foot is structurally different - more boney, and less plushie !

I can see the egg divider coming in handy if you are doing something that requires more than eight eggs. After a while, doing it by hand I loose concentration and there's a big chance of a yolk landing in the white bowl ! What did you bake ?
@ManueB My Katrientje was moulting lightly and broody at the same time. But I don’t recall it’s very common they do
Well, both Merle and Léa are beginning to molt and making broody noises and staying for two to three hours on the nest after laying. They always turn broody a few days apart, so let's hope they won't actually really decide to sit. Léa is the worse, and she’s picking fights with Kara and Alba.
We had a small storm yesterday and fifteen minutes of pouring rain,with even a little hail. Because it's so dry and dusty it was sufficient to have a mudslide in front of the house and down the chicken yard. It was the first time it rained since we bought an old school pluviometer : I proudly told my partner who was working it rained 10 mm and he said that was nothing. Sure, not much, but in fifteen minutes it seemed like a lot 🤣. It should rain again tonight.

Yesterday evening once my partner was back from work, we had to take Alba inside to tend her feet as it was still damp, and she had a huge pooping accident all over the place. There was poop on the table, on the floor, on the drying cloth, on us both... As soon as I finished cleaning it happened again. The good news is that her feet seemed a lot better. Tonight I will have to do the dreaded Nieva on my own.
Just after that my partner found a huge tick on princess Hibou's neck. It's a good thing my partner like petting the cats because I don't really cuddle them and I would probably not find a tick before days.

Today it was much cooler and just the right temperature for the chickens I think, because they didn't spend a lot of time napping and a lot of time digging. I left them for two hours in the morning to go pick the cheese and bring the eggs to our acquaintance. I always worry a bit as we still have the bald eagles flying around several times a day, but when I came back they were all doing good. I heard so many roosters crowing along the way, it's interesting how they have such different sounds. I wonder if it's genetic or not ? Pied beau seems to have a very different crow from Petit blanc, more like Gaston, who has a low baritone.

I tried to give Blanche some egg and oat in the woodshed. Instead of eating, she very slowly went to check the old nest that isn't used anymore but still has an egg in it, sat on it a bit, and then got up and started looking around the shed, completely lost. I realize she probably sees very little of her surrounding, she has already been in the woodshed a few times, but she didn't seem to recognize it or know where she was. She eats so little now. She doesn't want to eat the cucumbers, chards, zucchinis and tomatoes that most of the others like. She seems to be doing better, in the sense that she has moments when she is active. She is molting too, which must make her more tired. Tomorrow I will try to give her almonds and walnuts maybe the crunchy texture will tempt her.

Days are shortening quick. The chickens were surprised when they got up at 6.45 to discover it was still night. This was ten minutes later maybe.


Pretty Annette.

Lulu has yellow ear lobes.

Chipie has one tail feather left and can't fly anymore with several primary feathers missing.


The sunbathing serie, starring Blanche, Nougat and Cannelle.

Gaston and Chipie. Such a long story between these two !

The "i’ve been thrown out of my bath" serie with Merle.

Lilly l'enfant terrible has found a way to jump over the higher and larger double netting and out via the compost.

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