Thank you to all the BYC-ers!


10 Years
May 2, 2009
Northwoods of Wisconsin
I have been glued to these forums since last winter when I decided to order three (3!) brown chickens from the local co-op. Well, then I visited TSC and my son and I came home with six more. Then I needed other kinds, you know, a silkie, a black sexlink, a black giant cochin and a wyandotte........which was fine for a while, but then I needed colored eggs, hence the addition of 8 EE chicks........all of this because of your enthusiasm and support! Now i am a happy chicken farmer gal, and my son loves the birdies, too.

Yesterday, I took two of my birds to his school to teach part one of a four part class on poultry. the kids had a ball, I had a ball and most everything I learned, I learned right here!

Thanks and I will keep reading--I have learned so much from all of you. I am getting 7-9 eggs per day from my big birds. My EE's are still just babies.....
Thanks for the nice note and for being a part of our wonderful community. We really do have a great group here.

I totally agree!! I started lurking on here about a year ago when I decided I wanted to try my hand at chickens. Finally got my first batch in April and have been addicted to them and BYC ever since. Im so glad you all are here!!

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