Thankful For You

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Ooh, me!!!:ya

I can't decide between @Kiki, @sourland, @sumi, and @casportpony. They all donate so much time to this website. They're always positive and nice and ready to help others.

There are so many other great BYCers, and it was very hard to chose just a few (sorry if I'm only supposed to do one, @jolenesdad, but that is impossible!). I am going to thank all the BYCers on the website for being here!

byc blush.gif
(blushing) Thanks for the shoutout!
Same to you. I can't even count how many times you've saved my butt when I had a chicken emergency.
@Kiki , @honanbm , @Wickedchicken6 —you dorks are the best. I'd be here all day if I tried to name everyone, but you 3 deserve a special shoutout for putting up with me for so long. :cool:
You made her pee her face again.

@BantyChooks, @Kiki, @Wickedchicken6 — you all are priceless.

@R2elk for his utterly dry self. Plus, I'll bet he hates being called out, which makes it extra fun.

@casportpony, @Wyorp Rock, and countless others that always, and I mean ALWAYS, help folks out when they need it. Wise folks.

The BYC community as a whole... what a place, and on the internet, no less!
Oh gosh, I hardly know how to thin out the crowd, I'm thankful for everyone here. I think, though, I have to give a shout out to @Kiki for the balut egg thread which made me laugh so much, that's when I realized there really was a family here, not just a place to come for chicken problems. I don't check in everyday, but I always know this is a place I can come to whenever, and grow as a chicken keeper and as a person. THANKS!
We still laugh our butts off daily in the balut thread.
It's my favorite place.
Happy Thanksgiving!
There isn't a person on this site that I'm not grateful for. I knew absolutely nothing about chickens when I stumbled across this site. It's taught me more than I can say.

I'd like to thank the following people for teaching me so much: @ronott1 , @casportpony

For the wonderful friendships and laughs: @N F C, @007Sean ,@igorsMistress , @CapricornFarm ,@Blooie , @bruceha2000 , @sourland , @Alaskan , @sharron ,@drumstick diva , @rjohns39 , @Kiki @Tesumph @honanbm , @BantyChooks , @Molpet , @NanaKat , @R2elk and I'm sure a whole bunch of others that I'm drawing a blank on right now.

Love you all.
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