Thankful For You

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There are so many members that I am thankful for! Some of you are @TwoCrows, for all the hard work you do for the community and your kind and friendly personality, and so much more! @CrazyCochin, for your kindness and thoughtfulness to all, and for always encouraging me, and for standing for what's right. (And a lot more!) @cluckmecoop7 for your friendliness to me from the start, your patience with me and my 'Silly Starburst' self, and for being an amazing friend! (And that's only the beginning of what I could say about you!) @Alyssa-Bee, for your fun personality and always being understanding, (The list could go on!) @PioneerChicks, for your helpfulness to me, be it helping judge a Silkie Contest or offer insight on a book, and always showing compassion and encouragement to others. And so, so many more people! A special thank-you to all the amazing staff members for making BYC as it is! Thank you so much, everyone! :hugs
There are so many members that I am thankful for! Some of you are @TwoCrows, for all the hard work you do for the community and your kind and friendly personality, and so much more! @CrazyCochin, for your kindness and thoughtfulness to all, and for always encouraging me, and for standing for what's right. (And a lot more!) @cluckmecoop7 for your friendliness to me from the start, your patience with me and my 'Silly Starburst' self, and for being an amazing friend! (And that's only the beginning of what I could say about you!) @Alyssa-Bee, for your fun personality and always being understanding, (The list could go on!) @PioneerChicks, for your helpfulness to me, be it helping judge a Silkie Contest or offer insight on a book, and always showing compassion and encouragement to others. And so, so many more people!
Aww, thank you!
During these hard times, we all need a good friend (or friends) to help get us through them!
Im so glad you said this. I find the accepting and no pressure environment of BYC to be its strongest quality.

Communities—both online and in real life—so often devolve into one-upping and false perceptions and realities and leave people feeling inadequate. BYC always leaves me feeling fulfilled and right where I am supposed to be.
You said it!!!
some more members! @cluckmecoop7, for accepting me as a friend and including me in your epic wolf RPs! And for comforting me when I lost a pullet a year back... @Weeg, another WA resident, for being there to chat with!
@OneHappyRooster, for sticking by me, whether it is talking about LoZ, or just chatting! @Chookwagn, another friend! @Willowhisp!
And many others! You have been so kind to me, always able to lend a helping hand, or just being there to listen!
God bless all of you! And all of BYC!
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