Thanksgiving- What are your plans?

Not sure if I've already posted to this thread, but I am cooking for nine people. Mom, Dad, Hubby, Two Sons, One Daughter-in-law, Two Nephews and myself.

Making the traditional turkey with stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes. Along with some green beans and bacon that everybody loves. Mom's bringing the pies, cranberry salad and deviled eggs.

Should be delicious. I sure hope I can get everything on the table warm at the same time. I do have a bit of trouble with that......I am NOT the best cook.....
Sounds perfect!
Hubby and I were expecting his sister and her hubbs for Thanksgiving but they aren't going to be able to come so it will just be the 2 of us as my boys will be at their dad's. We are going deer hunting early that morning followed by dinner at Cracker Barrel, then we will spend the rest of the weekend......

Building our chicken house!

We talked about fixing a small Thanksgiving dinner just for us, then decided to let CB do all the work and clean up so we'd have more time to spend on the building.
Well, DH is now working Thanksgiving/Friday/Saturday/Sunday at least, so still nothing much. The kids won't care as long as they get pie. Grant is home, recovering and that is all I ask for. DH's coworker has a very young toddler who was put into the hospital today with late stage leukemia. The family is not having all that I want for Thanksgiving in their home and life. DH took this young man's shifts so he can be with his family, even if the work is "below" what DH normally does.

I may hit the next person who tells me that work is below DH's job. It was approved already by everyone who needed to approve it. I'd rather he be working and not celebrating Thanksgiving than having him be home and being in a hospital with a very sick baby. We just were close enough to that, and Grant was doing better and it was so incredibly hard to us, never mind if it was as bad as this baby is.
You are celebrating Thanksgiving - by being selfless enough to realize that this co-worker needs to have the time with their family at this time. Hugs and God bless your DH and you for being there for them. You are being thankful for your blessings, and granting them one at the same time.
My prayers also go out to your DH's co-worker and family.
We're doing it at our house. My husband, me and my 2 year old. I'm currently not speaking to my mother (loooong story), so she's not invited. My uncle probably won't be able to come because my grandma's in the hospital. I invited a good friend and her husband who don't have a place to go, so they will be here. On Saturday, my husband's family will descend on the house and we'll start all over again!
My son requested ham, and we thought, why not? We are thankful for ham.
And mac and cheese, wild rice stuffing, and banana pudding for dessert. I like having a kid who thinks out of the box.
One year we had salmon for Christmas and I really enjoyed it. It was a treat.

It is just us three and whatever neighbors or friends that are not going anywhere.

Food is just a way to get together it shouldn't be a burden that slays you.
Are we related somehow? Other than wanting to watch anything to do with Christmas, but yeah, holidays definitely do not float my boat--see sig line.

I think you are both related to my husband. He's threatening to hibernate through the holidays. We used to go camping for Thanksgiving, just to give him a break from the whole "Let's get everyone together" stuff that always happens over the next two months. Since my Mom died, I do a big Thanksgiving dinner for my Dad. He doesn't have anyone else to spend it with. My husband understands why all these people must descend upon our home, but he doesn't like it, and he does remain scarce for quite a few hours. Luckily for him, they come over, they eat, and then they leave. Ugh.
Are we related somehow? Other than wanting to watch anything to do with Christmas, but yeah, holidays definitely do not float my boat--see sig line.

I think you are both related to my husband. He's threatening to hibernate through the holidays. We used to go camping for Thanksgiving, just to give him a break from the whole "Let's get everyone together" stuff that always happens over the next two months. Since my Mom died, I do a big Thanksgiving dinner for my Dad. He doesn't have anyone else to spend it with. My husband understands why all these people must descend upon our home, but he doesn't like it, and he does remain scarce for quite a few hours. Luckily for him, they come over, they eat, and then they leave. Ugh.

How sweet of you to do that for your dad
My hubby is a social butterfly, it is usually me that hates gatherings, but only because is family is full of psychopaths. Hence, we spend it by ourselfs.

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