THAT freaked me out

Sounds exciting!
I remember back years ago to a Halloween party in my trainer's barn where she pulled out a Quija board. I never put my hands on it, but I remembered asking questions. It definitely was pretty freaky. I remember the "thing" on the other side said his name was Tucker. Nothing bad that I can remember ever came of this experience, but I do remember when we went to sleep that night on haybales in the horse stalls, I woke up and found a mouse staring right into my face. All I remember is screaming "Tucker!!!". Everybody else woke up and started laughing.

I don't think I would ever mess around with a Quija Board, even if I knew what I was doing. I don't necessarily believe whole heartedly into them, but I know bad things can happen when they are used. Funny thing is my mom always claimed she never believed in ghosts, paranormal, and she was never really big in religion, yet should would NOT let one in the house. That was enough to scare me just a bit.

I'm sad to say I don't really have any "True" ghost stories that I know of, but one night when I was sleeping, I woke up with a very strong sensation that something was in the room with me. It was not a nice presence at all and I felt the strongest need to get out of the room. I felt something very dark in the corner of my room and I still get shivers to this day just thinking about it. I ended up running out of the room and sleeping on the couch downstairs. I've never had a problem since and our house is not even that old. Any one have any explanations for this? I rarely have bad dreams, and this was just a few years ago. Very, very strange. When I think back to this, I picture a big dark shadow in the corner of the room. Can't quite remember if I actually saw that or not, but freaked me out for sure! I don't get spooked very easily...
Gosh now you guys got me freaked, I believe in "U.F.O's" sorta and my dad messes with me about it, I figure to myself if theres proof of ghosts or, aliens...then they must be real...and when I say proof I don't mean a video of a dot in the sky cause thats just bologna. I asked my Dad if he ever had touched "wegee" he said ya... I asked him if anything freaky had happend....He said not that I can remember. I guess Lacy is just like me I want to try it but I don't wanna get freaked out!. I know my house isn't that old and nothing died in it other then just some household pets.
My sister used to play around with witchcraft stuff. She often used the ouija board. When they lived in a townhouse, they somehow ended up with an evil spirit in their house, so bad that my Brother in law and my sister were trying to go upstairs and whatever it was , it was so strong that it's force was pushing them back down the stairs. I remember staying there as a kid, and I always felt uncomfortable sleeping, I had to wear headphones with music playing just to get to sleep. My neice at one point was VERY sick for no apparent reason, but as soon as they moved out of there, she was fine. My brother who is a born again Christian even told me that there was definitely something in that house cause when he stayed over night there he felt it's presence. I used to see dark shadows or something huddled in the corners of the bedrooms. It scared the crap outta me. I can now say that my sister no longer dabbles in that stuff.
I'm a Christian and also a skeptic. The human imagination is a very
powerful thing. I also truly believe there are things outside our realm
of knowledge or understanding. I don't believe that aliens visit the earth
in UFOs but I do believe that some people have experiences that lead them
to believe in UFO's.

As for the Ouija board I say stay away. Christianity forbids it. I have friends
who are Pagans and stay clear of them.

I had an experience with one also. It wasn't terrible for me but it was for others
involved. I'll refrain from most of the details to keep the story short. There
was an old chair in this supposedly haunted house we attempted to contact
a spirit in. My friend who rented this house was warned about the house and the
chair. Well, me in my arrogant disbelief decided to sleep in that chair. I froze
my ass off all night long. I was wearing ski clothes that would keep me warm
in -30 and had a fire going. If I stood up I would immediately begin to sweat.
Again, I'm withholding many details, like a phone dialing itself when the Ouija
said there is a spirit present. My hands were on it and it felt like something
else was moving them.

I have a hard time believing any of this but I experienced it. Who knows....
My mother grew up in an old house that looked like a castle. We found out recently that it was originally built as a brothal. Everyone remembers a sweet smelling perfume and doors opening and closing all by themselves. As long as ghosts stay like that, I'll cohabitate, but anything more then that, I'll move...
Oh, I've heard and seen and felt many things investigating these occurances ( and have plenty of neat pictures). The Ouija board turning up unburned doesn't surprise me. I know someone who used one as a teenager, and many years later the thing still turns up unharmed despite being burned in the fireplace, thrown out with the trash, etc. There's no unringing that bell.

There are ways to get a spirit to leave you alone, the easiest is to be firm and tell it to leave. You'd be surprised how often it works. Many times what they want is attention.
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You know this is such a weird topic for me. I'm a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ, his death and his Resurrection. So everything should be in black and white but it's not. I have an animal guide that chose me when I was little, but didn't accept it until I was an adult. I've always "felt" things that most people can't, and my middle child has the same experiences. We lived in a house for four years and when we first moved in the house it was in need of some TLC. I scrubbed all the walls, the carpets etc. There was this handprint on the wall in the hallway. I thought no big deal. Went and got some Mean Green and cleaned it off. That night I noticed that area was dirty again. I hollared at my hubby thinking he was leaning against the wall while setting the temp. with the new thermastat we purchased. After cleaning it that night I awoke the next morning to find the handprint back AGAIN. So I scrubbed it again. A few hours later it was back. So we tore out the entire drywall in the hallway because it was bad in places anyway. After about a week of installing drywall, taping, mudding, sanding and re-painting the hallway looked great.....except for a handprint on the wall. Same place, same size.

About that same time, my middle child started talking about her "friends". She was 5 at the time so I thought it was probably just imaginary friends. I walked into her room one day and I thought I was losing my mind. She was sitting at the little round table with chairs having a tea party with a little boy and girl. They were in pioneer clothing. I left her alone and came back about 15 min later to singing. They were all singing "Ring Around the Rosie". It was like a chorus of singing, not just one voice. Then my youngest who was 4 told me one day that sissy's friend who comes to visit from the wall pushed her down into the crawl space. Now I thought that extreme. I can't verify that one....solely her story. Could have happened and then it couldn't have happened. I can't dispell it either way. I did happen to see an adult woman in pioneer clothes walking down the hallway. When she'd pass me she would just nod her head and keep on walking like she was in the middle of a task.

After doing some research of the town history and the houses location, I found out that the area we were living in had been witness to a pioneer masacre from local indian tribes. There again, I can't say whether that was complete truth or if it was political propaganda in writing. I wasn't there, so I don't know. Might explain things and then it might not. Just hard to say. All I know is what I personally saw or witnessed. I still don't know why they decided to reveal themselves to us but I can tell you that my middle daughter swears that every house we live in has ghosts. I've watched t.v. and listened to stories about how some ghosts will follow people. I don't know if this is the case or not. Never thought to ask my daughter that question specifically. I can tell you that I've never used a Ouija board because of fear and horror stories that I've heard and I won't allow one in my house either. I still haven't convinced myself 100% that what I saw was real. Part of me still discounts it although the other part of me is saying "you idiot" for not believing. I just don't know.
ok maby i will think again,. i dont think im gonna git one . lol

but we lived in a old hunted house one time. The old lady died in it like 20 odd years earlyer and i think her spirt stayed there.Because one night while we were sleeping we heard an old faint scream and it told os to git out.

long story short we moved out in less that a month. !!!!!

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