THAT freaked me out

When I was in MA, I actually saw their van driving down the street. I thought that was pretty cool.

I really love how they keep everything so real. Sometimes they go to houses and find no results at all. I think thats really neat because that's life. You're not going to get the results you want everytime.
I like watching them too. They seem real and legitimate. Not to mention if ya got a leaky pipe they can fix that while they're there too. Sometimes their shows are pretty scarey if you're by yourself and its dark outside.

When i was 12 or 13 someone gave me a ouji board. I didnt have to much of a interest in it. But when i had a friend over she insisted on messing around with it. I asked it what my future husbands name was. strangley enough it did get his name right. Other than that we asked it about a friend of ours who died a month before if he was ok and it said yes to that also. That was all i can remeber of it though. I am not scared of demons or evil spirits, If i get a bad feeling when i walk into a room or if i feel like someone or something is near me that i dont like i simly say in Jesus name go away. I feel when i have God on my side i need not worry about evil spirits.
I do believe in angels, and relatives that come to protect you from harm. 7 yrs. ago my Husband was hualing mobile home from Nebraska to Grand Junction (Colorado). It was a little windy that day and he was givin a okay to drive by his boss. My husband told me that there was a slit breeze when he went under a over pass but as soon as he got to the other side of i a big gust of wind cuaght the half of the mobile home , it knocked the mobile over. And the semi my husband was in rolled five times. He wasnt wearing his seat belt. Bu the said that somehow he was pulled from the drivers seat back into bed area of the truck. He said he was being held in mid air, and everything that was in the was floating and bouncing around him but nothing touched him. He said he was watching the everything crumbling and coming apart. Then he saw the top of the truck come apart and there was a big opening. And all of a sudden he was pushed through that opening, and away from the truck. This wreck was all over the national news. This wreck happend just out side of Denver. My husband smom died in a car roll over when he was 8years old. We believe that it was his mother and Jesus that was protecting him, and carried him to saftey. He left that wreck with some road rash, and when he was pushed out and into the road he re ruptured a disc in his back. That night i went to his dad's house and called him while we were watching it all on the news. I couldnt believe he lived through it . the news showed pictures of the truck. It was on its top and well there was no top every thing was gone all the way down to the dash. I told him that i couldnt believe that i was talking to him, and told him I was looking at the truck on the news channel. I told him that he should have been dead , that there was nothing left of the truck. He came home the next day from the hospital and told me this story. Here recently I have been thinking about calling one of the news companies to see if they still have that video of the wreck. I taped it that night but my stupid ex mother in law taped over it with Days of our lives. We get goose bumps every time we think back on that wreck. And We believe that it was his mother protecting her son from the same fate she had, with the power of Jesus by her side.
there is suposubly a yong girl (ghost) that walks the woods near my house after she got lost 60 years ago. iv neaver seen her but in a certin part of the woods weird things are said to happen (ie. you walk in one way and come back out that same way after walking straight and sometimes you can suposubly hear breath and have the feeling of being watched). the "woods" is actuly an old overgrown farm with some old buildings and an overgrown orcherd that to me is really freeky (its so dark in the orchard).
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man you couldn't pay me enough to use a ouiji board. i hear & see enough things without one.

i went to a wedding last year at bucksteep manor in MA, while there the staff told us that TAPS had just been out doing an investigation.
i finally saw that episode on the tube last night. most stories were debunked, but they did admit that there definitely was creedence to the stories of a monk or episcopalian priest roaming the property.

we never saw anything though.
I wouldn't use it, Leghorns rule...
TAPS is really cool...and they're very professional.
I've never heard of Bucksteep Manour...but that's cuz it's on the Western part of the state...

Wow, alleyoops...does sound like your DH had some helped surviving that wreck.

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