THAT freaked me out

Ok, I have one more, it's recent and doesn't scare me at all.

The house I live in now was built about 15 years ago by couple who was about to retire and they chose this 8 acres on top of a mountain ridge because of it's natural beauty and privacy. Betty and Jim took 3 years to clear this land and build this house and to build him a separate matching brick shop. The house is surrounded by state park and lots of trees.

We first went to look at the house and a lady met us at the door, sweet little lady named Betty and she had landscaped the yard with all of my favorites plants and flowers. I asked her why she was selling it and she said that her husband had got sick and died. She said it was too much to take care of. We told her we wanted the house for horses and my DH really wanted a nice shop. She said she was happy that someone would carry on her husband dreams of adding horses and finishing the shop (he never got the wood stove hooked up).

I always get home from work before dh, and several times since we've moved in I'll hear the door open, and his footsteps and I will start walking from the bedroom to the kitchen talking to him to greet him and he's not there. I hear the door, I hear his feet, the dogs start barking and NO-ONE is there. I think it's Mr. Jim coming home from Chevron like he did when they first built the house. Also, when I'm in the kitchen cooking alone, I'll sometimes here the radio coming from the bedroom with older country music and then I go back to see who turned it on, and it's not on at all.

DH asked me if I turned the radio off in the shop, I said no, he also asked me if I had been in the shop earlier because his tools were in a different place. I told him Mr. Jim did it because Mr Jim doesn't like classic rock, he likes older country, and is more organize than he is, ha ha. He said that made sense, and that he thought Mr. Jim liked the new pasture, the horses, the new wood stove, and he thought Mr. Jim likes the Swimsuit Calendar hanging in the shop!!!I agree....

Edit to add: We now leave the shop radio on country, (the coop is right behind it) and the radio stays on now!
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Our house is 150 yrs old, and yes, I'm quite sure that past relatives play tricks on us. Lots of things go missing, daughter has heard knocking on her walls, I've heard quiet voices at night when everyone is asleep. One night, my daughter's light came on in her room, it's one that you pull with a chain. She was sound asleep at the time. My hubby who was sleeping on the couch in the livingroom which is next to daughter's room yelled at her to turn the light off, thought she was reading, but she was sleeping. The room used to be my hubby's great uncles bedroom, so I think "Sam" must have turned it on. There was a murder in this area 150 yrs ago, and the guy who did it lived in this house. Plus, there were a few infants that died here in the early 1900's, so maybe the small voices were the children that grew up here.
I grew up in an old house, built around 1903. It was very small; kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom (too small for a tub), one small connecting room and an attic. One night, I was sitting up alone reading at the kitchen table. Everyone else was asleep and the house was making old house settling noises, groaning and creaking. I was just quietly reading when the table started shaking. Somewhat freaked, I looked around, nothing there, no other sounds, no one awake, just nothing. The table was pushed against the wall, as usual, because you couldn't walk around it otherwise. It looked normal, and nothing else was moving. I went back to reading and it happened again. I looked under the table, around the room, looked in the other room, again nothing. Getting more and more freaked, and really too scared to go to bed alone in the dark I went back to reading. The table started shaking again, this time when I looked under the table I saw Mimi my cat on the chair against the wall, scratching her ear. It had been enough to shake the table and scare me to death. Rotten cats. The danged things know when you are watching a scary movie too...they always meow at the walls at just the right time!
My grandmothers house scares me for my grandfather died in the living room wich isn't bad for he was not a bad man what scares me is the upstairs when your there it is a old house i will grant it that but upstairs in the hall way you can hear some one walking back and forth from one side to the other with distint foot print and not just random boards creaking. then she has two access stairs to up stair the main one and the on the other side of the house and it always feels like some one is watching you form the bottom of them. know this is a old home going back to the civil war and the stairs wind and when walking down to the basement the steeps are very steep and then the wall drops so many people have tryed to walk down the steps and were worrying about just their feet and have hit the head and have knocked them selves out.
mom'sfolly :

I grew up in an old house, built around 1903. It was very small; kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom (too small for a tub), one small connecting room and an attic. One night, I was sitting up alone reading at the kitchen table. Everyone else was asleep and the house was making old house settling noises, groaning and creaking. I was just quietly reading when the table started shaking. Somewhat freaked, I looked around, nothing there, no other sounds, no one awake, just nothing. The table was pushed against the wall, as usual, because you couldn't walk around it otherwise. It looked normal, and nothing else was moving. I went back to reading and it happened again. I looked under the table, around the room, looked in the other room, again nothing. Getting more and more freaked, and really too scared to go to bed alone in the dark I went back to reading. The table started shaking again, this time when I looked under the table I saw Mimi my cat on the chair against the wall, scratching her ear. It had been enough to shake the table and scare me to death. Rotten cats. The danged things know when you are watching a scary movie too...they always meow at the walls at just the right time!

momsfolly: I know exactly what you mean!! I used to have cats all the time! When they really zone in on the wall or can really freak you out!!! I always told myself they just heard a mouse or something....but I'd still get freaked! We'd always say, "hey! look at the cat!"
I live in a 300 year old house---almost---built in 1728 AND I live right on an old cemetary. It is a historical sight in town.

This is the view from my chicken coop--or was when we first moved in--we grew vines up the side. I have to walk by it each evening when I but the chicks away and when I walk up along side it to put our goats away. Im usually REALLY freaked out by this stuff, but this cemetary doesnt bother me in the least. I actually like it. The "neighbors" are very quiet.

This is our driveway.

Honestly, NOTHING funny has ever happen in over 3 years. We researched the house and family who lived here back in the 1700's. My girlfriend and her husband, who live in an old house down the road (HEY POULTRY PAL) went to see the Warren's. They are supposed to be ghost hunters here in New England.

I have loved reading all your stories!!
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