The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Yeah I'm kind of a nerd like that. For instance. did you know that
The total number of road deaths across Australia for the year ending April 30, 2021 was 1133.

So <makes weighing motions with hands> 9 deaths from the covid vaccine vs. 1,133 deaths from vehicle travel ..... I wonder if Mr. Mellor travels at all while in Australia? I guess not because it's waaayyyyyyy more risky than the vaccine.
hhahaha!!! i love it

apparently none of the anti vaxxers ever travel. they’re all ok never going anywhere since they can’t because they’re not vaccinated.
not when you believe in things that can be proven...
It is but it wouldn't change your brain washed self.
Who doesn't think the pandemic is real?
Me 🙋

yeah, those of us getting vaccinated so we can stay safe and keep others safe... we're the problem.
Yes it's true.
Plenty of people choose not to get the vaccine that is made by greedy pharma and instead use alternative treatments like ivermectin and hydrochloriquine that are made by greedy pharma.
Actually it was first made by some guy, I can't remember his name, but he helped making it a lot. He's dead now though.
i wonder how long i'd be allowed to run around in the prayers for jesus thread saying that he's not real and how religion is a mind control tool...

i wonder if that would go over as well as the anti-vaccine folks posting in this thread
We tried to have our own.
I won't report posts, its petty. Unless its like, really bad. I'll continue to sit here and share my scientifically backed information and laugh at those who want to come on this thread and spread false information. This thread will forever be incredibly entertaining.
Yes it will be.
@chickentrains @KarynVA i wonder what tomorrow's troll will be like...
Tired from laughing.
though, not sure why it matters.

They're voting tomorrow on masks in school, and I sure hope they keep the masks. 50% of the population vaccinated. Might need to go back to online school.
I wish they would here. I have grandkids that have gotten it. Said it was the worst illness they've ever had. This Delta varient is horrible.
though, not sure why it matters.

They're voting tomorrow on masks in school, and I sure hope they keep the masks. 50% of the population vaccinated. Might need to go back to online school.
i think covid exposed just how unnecessary traditional school is and how flawed our education system is.
i think covid exposed just how unnecessary traditional school is and how flawed our education system is.
I did really well in online school. It was my junior year, I'm a senior now. I think it really prepared me for the future. I learned how to focus at home while staring at a computer all day. I learned how to follow videos and It really helped me gain more independence with my education. It was MY responsibility. Nobody was home to tell me to do my work, no teachers checking on me. In the big picture, I'm glad. I kind of hate being back in this building. The disrepect these kids have for their teachers and their education is infuriating. I think I'm shaped up well for college now.
I did really well in online school. It was my junior year, I'm a senior now. I think it really prepared me for the future. I learned how to focus at home while staring at a computer all day. I learned how to follow videos and It really helped me gain more independence with my education. It was MY responsibility. Nobody was home to tell me to do my work, no teachers checking on me. In the big picture, I'm glad. I kind of hate being back in this building. The disrepect these kids have for their teachers and their education is infuriating. I think I'm shaped up well for college now.
that's a great attitude and an awesome outlook.

college is much different than high school, you're right about that. the responsibility is all yours. the students who do well are the ones who are accountable for the things they need to do.

i squandered my opportunites in college. it turned out well for me in the end, but i didn't take advantage of the chances i had back then. suffice it to say, that you're miles ahead of me at your age.
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