The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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As in another thread (Covid-19 chat) about the virus there are more people who are willing to believe science and official health care institutes and trust the vaccins.

The ones believing the virus isn’t (or wasn’t) a real thread to the older (>50) and vulnerable (large group including obese and with underlying diseases) is diminishing for several reasons:
1. They do get sick because they take no precautions and as soon as they get respiratory problems and can’t taste anything anymore, realise Covid is real.
2. They die from Covid. Maybe not now or this year but they likely will before they hit their 80th birthday because Covid-19 is not going away ever and there are going to be mutations every now and then.
3. They come to their senses and stop following the groups that spread all the strange information without any solid proof.

i honestly can’t believe some people are getting a vaccine that was developed so quickly. Other vaccines have taken 10-15 years to develop, yet people are begging to get this vaccine that was developed so fast 🤦‍♀️
They could because the vaccins are similar to the Ebola vaccin they were developing. They used a new technique that is faster. They tested much quicker in larger groups and put all hands on deck to pass through accurate and comprehensive studies with lots of people who stopped all other work to focus on judging the available info and test results. Side effects like noticing extremely rare health issues was the only thing they missed.

I'm not getting it for many reasons. I don't care who does and doesn't get it, as long as we have the choice.
IMHO, its wrong that people have a choice especially if they don’t distance and risk other people’s life. If everyone was vaccinated, we could stop the spreading to the future. Just like ‘we’ did with Polio.

I dare to say that people who party without distance and without being vaccinated are a big risk to others. And they should bring these people to court for unintended manslaughter if they party with a fever, coughing or something that looks like a cold and infect others who die because they behave highly irresponsible.

P.S. I had my first vaccination last week and got high fever as a side effect. So I had a strong reaction to the vaccine. Now I wonder. What would have happened if I got the real Covid? Would I have a stronger than average reaction to the real Covid too? I will never know. And I am glad for it.

I am so glad we can open up (a lot) within a few months thanks to the > 70% of the people that want a vaccination before the end of July.
In my town, in my age group 90% had their first vaccine. :wee
Here is my point of view:
Covid was made by humans, because if it happened naturally it wouldn't spread so far and fast. It isn't a pandemic. People die more from cancer, accidents, etc. than from covid.
It is a pandemic !
Let’s start with basic definitions:
  • AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.
  • A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.
Covid-19 has its origin probably because people were infected by , or ate strange animals. And after they discovered what it was , it already spread over Wuhan/ China and the rest of the world.

Covid 19 is different but like SARS and Ebola. These viruses spread quickly and are dangerous.

If so many people wouldn’t fly all over the world it wouldn’t have spread so fast. Traveler's spread is all over the world.
Another reason why this virus could spread so fast is that not everyone gets badly sick. And people who are infected (often not very sick) can easily spread the virus.

If government’s hadn’t interfered. Like confining people to stay home/ distancing and such. Much more people would have gotten sick and would have died. I am glad most governments took precautions because if they hadn’t it would have spread much faster and we would have more variants.

Read about Brazil and India (on trustworthy news site’s) . Read what happened there and in other countries and I hope you understand that partying and crowds are dangerous. Especially in badly ventilated spaces.

In my country last year more people died of cancer and other diseases as before Covid-19 , because health care was not functioning as normal. Treatments and operations were postponed because the hospital's we’re full. Some people didn’t go to their doctors in time because they thougt it could wait. Intakes we’re often done by phone and this results more often in wrong diagnosis.
This means that Covid not only caused more sick (people still have fatigue problems) and death directly but also more sick and death because health care didn’t function as well as it did before Covid-19.

I didn’t loose any close relative by Covid itself. But I did loose a relative to be because a dear relative got cervical cancer . This wasn’t seen in an early stage because the apointment for a check up was missed because of Covid. She got pregnant and because she lost blood during her pregnancy she had tests (urgent) and then they found the cancer. The baby couldn’t survive. The cancer was treated and is gone now, but the mother still has health problems.
This is just one Covid related story. But there are many more real live stories like that. So don’t tel me or anyone that this Covid thing is not a pandemic. 😤
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