The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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If only he'd had some Vienna fingers to eat, he probably wouldn't have gotten the covid in the first place.
I’m fully vaccinated and still wear a mask and social distance.
I do too, for the most part. I can see that it makes people nervous if I don't. How do they know I'm fully vaccinated? Especially around here, where people have been arrogantly ignoring all the health guidelines for months. Some "wear" masks, but only as chinstraps, or covering only their mouths, as if that's effective. The only place I don't is at church, where we are so few we can easily distance and nobody masks.
Oh, I absolutely agree that anecdotal evidence isn’t representative of reality. But the CDC validates my assumption - that to the overwhelming majority of the population, COVID is not dangerous. Additionally, the data tells is that the overwhelming majority of people who had poor outcomes - either death or significant illness - had multiple major health problems (comorbidities if death was the outcome). Obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure - top three. What are #2 and #3 a result of most times? #1.
I still don't understand why that's a factor in how we should respond to the spread of covid. It's like suggesting serial killers are scary but don't really kill that large a percentage of the population, so it makes more economic sense to just ignore them. Or that tornados kill even fewer people, so we're wasting resources warning people about tornados.

Death is far from the only consequence. And if you express deaths as a percentage of the population you can, shockingly, make a half millon deaths and thousands more daily seem inconsequential. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." It's less about the numbers than how you present them. You also seem unable go imagine how much worse things would be if the government had followed the initial strategy of keeping the economy opened and hoping for a positive outcome.

Or how bad they could get again when so many of the people unwilling to comply with masking, social distancing, and other basic protocols are allowed to "return to normal" without ever having done anything to limit transmission. Because, unlike what many people want to believe, diseases aren't going to magically disappear.
Death is far from the only consequence.
This is an excellent point and so often overlooked. Long-term fatigue, inability to work, potential organ damage. All these consequences are going to be dealt with in the future, and *all* of our health insurance costs are going to increase because of it.

Those who do not get vaccinated will eventually be getting healthcare paid for by the health insurance premiums paid by all of us, including those who did the right thing and got vaccinated. In that respect, anti-vaxxers may be the true socialists.
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