The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Truthfully, I don’t think it’s a child’s social responsibility to wear a mask. No child should have to wear a mask to accommodate the adults around them. I feel that’s rather selfish since adults have already had a chance to live their lives. Masks were traditionally worn by slaves. My kids are not slaves. Young children communicate through body language and putting a mask on them inhibits that. My kids don’t wear masks except on rare occasions and then, they’re mesh so very breathable. But mask mandates have been lifted in my state for indoor spaces...for
I agree that children should not bare undue burdens of responsibility, but in many ways, responsibility is a practice. It needs to be exercised before they are really held accountable for their actions.

All that said, I don’t have children (I hope to someday...🥺) And I imagine someone telling me what to do with my kids could upset me and make me feel a million things. That must be hard for parents going through this. I am sorry for that.

Hopefully a mask-less world (or at least mask optional w/no prejudice) is in our future.
Do you have a link or more info about this? I have never heard of this before
I use Duckduckgo for my searches since Google censors search results...

BDSM uses masks as a tool of submission and I truly believe that’s the mask’s primary use outside of outliers like the operating room, war situations or tribal or Satanic rituals.
I agree that children should not bare undue burdens of responsibility, but in many ways, responsibility is a practice. It needs to be exercised before they are really held accountable for their actions.

All that said, I don’t have children (I hope to someday...🥺) And I imagine someone telling me what to do with my kids could upset me and make me feel a million things. That must be hard for parents going through this. I am sorry for that.

Hopefully a mask-less world (or at least mask optional w/no prejudice) is in our future.
Yes, the way you look at the world dramatically changes once you have kids. I teach them responsibilities like treating people with respect, manners, making their beds, cleaning after themselves, etc. But masks? No. I can’t in good conscience tell them to do something I don’t believe in that I think is harmful. I usually tell them so and so wants them to wear a mask and leave it at that. My 4yo flat out refuses to wear a mask and I hate to take away that choice from her. My 6yo will do it if it’s a place he wants to go to badly. He was happy when they lifted the mask restrictions last week. We homeschool so they don’t have to wear them all day.
Yes, the way you look at the world dramatically changes once you have kids. I teach them responsibilities like treating people with respect, manners, making their beds, cleaning after themselves, etc. But masks? No. I can’t in good conscience tell them to do something I don’t believe in that I think is harmful. I usually tell them so and so wants them to wear a mask and leave it at that. My 4yo flat out refuses to wear a mask and I hate to take away that choice from her. My 6yo will do it if it’s a place he wants to go to badly. He was happy when they lifted the mask restrictions last week. We homeschool so they don’t have to wear them all day.
Welp, I feel like masks are a tool to slow the spread of disease in an extraordinary time.

And I don’t think it’s accurate to compare the cloth masks worn commonly to metal torture devices. I think that comparison greatly minimizes the pain and injustice that rained down on human beings for centuries, and stills persists.

And BDSM... well people like different things and some people want to participate in’s a niche that can allow you to explore power dynamics. Not for everyone, but certainly, attendance is a choice!

I think a bra has more in common with the masks. Think about it... some people won’t go outside without, some people hate them so much they burned them, and it makes some people uncomfortable if you don’t wear one!
Anyone want To read through Fauci emails? I think there’s a term for what they’ve done. Treason....
Fauci received a Google News alert for his name, which he forwarded via email t to someone whose name and email address have been redacted. One of the articles was titled "‘Cuomo Crush' and ‘Fauci Fever’ — Sexualization of These Men Is a Real Thing on the Internet".

Urging the person to click on the link, Fauci wrote, “It will blow your mind. Our society is really totally nuts.”


Wow. that's serious.

I agree with him.

On a more serious note:
Fauci’s security detail was also expanded to full time after he started receiving death threats from [the Former Guy, who shall not be named on BYC] supporters and, as recounted by him in a New York Times interview, even received a letter in the mail with a powdered substance in it. George Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote to Fauci saying, “I saw some news (hope it is fake) that [you] are being attacked by some people. Hope you are well under such a irrational situation.”

“Thank you for your kind note,” Fauci replied, as per the published correspondence. “All is well despite some crazy people in this world.”
Fauci received a Google News alert for his name, which he forwarded via email t to someone whose name and email address have been redacted. One of the articles was titled "‘Cuomo Crush' and ‘Fauci Fever’ — Sexualization of These Men Is a Real Thing on the Internet".

Urging the person to click on the link, Fauci wrote, “It will blow your mind. Our society is really totally nuts.”


Wow. that's serious.

I agree with him.

On a more serious note:
Fauci’s security detail was also expanded to full time after he started receiving death threats from [the Former Guy, who shall not be named on BYC] supporters and, as recounted by him in a New York Times interview, even received a letter in the mail with a powdered substance in it. George Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote to Fauci saying, “I saw some news (hope it is fake) that [you] are being attacked by some people. Hope you are well under such a irrational situation.”

“Thank you for your kind note,” Fauci replied, as per the published correspondence. “All is well despite some crazy people in this world.”
Yes, there are crazy people in this world. A little entertainment between the heavy ones, although I can’t imagine THAT is all you got from these. Like Fauci:

- Saying store bought masks (e.g. anything not provided in a medical setting) aren’t effective
- Ignoring credible sources from Cornell saying that the virus was leaked by the Wuhan lab
- Ignoring gain-of-function research
- Purposefully misrepresenting the mortality rate
- A redacted offer from Zuckerberg - not suspicious at all given the fact checkers that covered up most of this in the first place

And I’ve only been reading for an hour. 2,600 more to go!
I see in Fauci's email of March 4th, 2020, a woman asked him whether pneumonia vaccines could provide protection against severe COVID-19. Fauci responded in detail only an hour later. The woman replied five minutes later, “Oh my god. I honestly never expected you to reply and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so generous!”

Man, what an awful person he is. He's hardly human, he's .... like a robot or something.
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