The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Did you folks finally see the futility of arguing with strangers on the internet?

or have you convinced yourself that your tiresome and incessant ‘right fighting’ has convinced everyone on the other side to see it your way??? 🤔

asking for a friend 😉 ... it might be David Duchovny... but probably not
Did you folks finally see the futility of arguing with strangers on the internet?

or have you convinced yourself that your tiresome and incessant ‘right fighting’ has convinced everyone on the other side to see it your way??? 🤔

asking for a friend 😉 ... it might be David Duchovny... but probably not
I guess I don't see arguing the same as everyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I never considered any of it arguing. Just an exchange of different opinions and viewpoints. I guess to the majority that's considered arguing. 🤪
I guess I don't see arguing the same as everyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I never considered any of it arguing. Just an exchange of different opinions and viewpoints. I guess to the majority that's considered arguing. 🤪
ehhh... I didn’t actually pay a lot of attention... but it seemed like there were several people that were pretty emotional about their side of things...

i don’t have a dog in the fight, because apparently I’ve become a cat person... but it seemed that there were several people wrapped around the axel trying to convince a stranger on the internet to see things their way🙄

I’m not referring to you... you’re a completely different kinda nutty 😝
ehhh... I didn’t actually pay a lot of attention... but it seemed like there were several people that were pretty emotional about their side of things...

i don’t have a dog in the fight, because apparently I’ve become a cat person... but it seemed that there were a several people wrapped around the axel trying to convince a stranger on the internet to see things their way🙄

I’m not referring to you... you’re a completely different kinda nutty 😝
Mask mandates have been lifted here.
Had to do a feed store run today.
Employees there were all still masked.

Well, their chins were. 🤪🤣
Every. Single. One.

I got the giggles in the checkout line.
k to be fair i have only read 14 pages so far

Getting my second one June 4 so I can go to summer camp again!
got mine today for the same reason!
I went into Target with her once, endured two hours of "fAkE cHiNa CoNsPiRaCy" before I said
scared mean girls GIF
i am sorry you had to go through that but love the gif (also i saw a couple others of yours and i loved them too

It won't be real to you unless you, or someone close to you, gets sick and maybe dies from it.
(sorry byc is being weird and didn’t let me put this in quotes)
i have my had experience with both 😔
Covid was made by humans, because if it happened naturally it wouldn't spread so far and fast. It isn't a pandemic. People die more from cancer, accidents, etc. than from covid.
wait i didn’t know an accident was a pandemic
I read about 6 pages of this and skipped ahead.

Frankly I think there are a lot of people here who are being plain inconsiderate and rude.

People have the right to think the way they want and do to their bodies what they think is within their personal and religious moral code. Get the shot don't get the shot, it's up to the individual. Believe in the pandemic don't believe in it. It's your right.


I will not answer your poll and be brow beaten by anybody who might disagree with my decision whether or not to take this vaccine.

Frankly, it's nobody's business but my husbands and my own.

So in the spirit of BYC. Shut up the insults and name calling and play nice.
if you came on here to tell people it wasn’t their business why did you come on here? not judging just asking :)
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