The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Yeah, it’s too bad we can’t afford to wait 10 years during this global pandemic. We just have to do the best we can. Which they did.

There was much more funding than for a typical vaccine in non-pandemic cases, and many more available test subjects since so many were infected. So the research and testing went much faster than usual with the same rigor for safety.
Yeah, it’s too bad we can’t afford to wait 10 years during this global pandemic. We just have to do the best we can. Which they did.

There was much more funding than for a typical vaccine in non-pandemic cases, and many more available test subjects since so many were infected. So the research and testing went much faster than usual with the same rigor for safety.
But all the funding and test subjects in the world can't tell you in this amount of time what could happen in 10, 5, even just 2 years right now. They just came out, and the closest we have are animal subjects, which may or may not produce the same affects.
But all the funding and test subjects in the world can't tell you in this amount of time what could happen in 10, 5, even just 2 years right now. They just came out, and the closest we have are animal subjects, which may or may not produce the same affects.
Of course. They did the best they could in difficult circumstances. Sadly, we cannot schedule global pandemics to suit our preferred risk tolerance.
I know the context.
No, you clearly don't, as you don't even know what vaccine it's about.
So because any random scientist thinks it's fine, even if a handful of other random scientists disagree, it's true?
Did I ever say that? No. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'd take the opinion of a scientist over the opinion of a layman any day, but it still wouldn't come close to actual data.
Or that because I'm not a real scientisy, it don't matter what I think because I'm wrong?
More that it doesn't matter because you don't know which conclusions are supported by evidence and which aren't. Why aren't you worried about spontaneous combustion? There is just as much evidence suggesting that it's a risk as there is suggesting that infertility is a risk (i.e. none).
I never wanted to start arguing, I just wanted to give a piece of my reason behind not personally vaccinating.
I'm not trying to convince you to get it, I just wanted to make it clear that some concerns are absolutely not backed by evidence, especially to others that might be reading this thread who still haven't made a decision.
Why aren't you worried about spontaneous combustion?
Hey. The fear is real! Don't tease.
Whatever. Guess I'm just a spoiled person who knows absolutely nothing and is just paranoid. Anyone who's read this far knows what they want to know. I stared my worries and what I had heard about them, never was trying to tell anyone that got vaccinated for them that it was going to happen to them.

Hope y'all keep having fun celebrating your vaccinations and condemning people that won't
Hi JacinLarkwell, if I understand correctly, you are reading conflicting reports/news/etc. You are not dismissing any of it, but also are aware that misinformation exists just not what. You are choosing to protect yourself and community by continuing to mask and social distance responsibly, while remaining hesitant about the vaccine because there is an overwhelming amount of info “out there”, and it’s extremely difficult to separate fact, fiction, and the reality that no one has all the answers.

I just wanna say that I respect that, and thank you for continuing to mask and such while deciding on the vaccine.

For the record I’ve been fully vaxxed for at least 3 months, have been reading this thread, and am fully in the mask and vax camp.
Whatever. Guess I'm just a spoiled person who knows absolutely nothing and is just paranoid. Anyone who's read this far knows what they want to know. I stared my worries and what I had heard about them, never was trying to tell anyone that got vaccinated for them that it was going to happen to them.

Hope y'all keep having fun celebrating your vaccinations and condemning people that won't
You aren’t paranoid. As the old adage goes, haste makes waste.
Or I like this one...
“When 'being rushed' is the problem . . . Rushing is never the solution.” -Bill Crawford
Sigh, development of mRNA vaccine technology began long before the pandemic started and it's very modular, but some people will always reject findings yielded by science in favor of unscientific claims. The unfortunate reality is that a significant portion of the population lacks the ability to effectively evaluate research findings (e.g., without grossly misinterpreting them).
Sigh, development of mRNA vaccine technology began long before the pandemic started and it's very modular, but some people will always reject findings yielded by science in favor of unscientific claims. The unfortunate reality is that a significant portion of the population lacks the ability to effectively evaluate research findings (e.g., without grossly misinterpreting them).
I feel like people today are practicing "cafeteria science" - picking and choosing parts of science that make them sound right.
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