The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I’m worried that in 10 years I’ll be seeing those lawyer commercials that say “did you or a loved one suffer severe or life threatening side effects from the covid vaccine? Call our offices now for a free consultation...”
It doesn't work like that with vaccines (in the US). First a Dr. would have to say that it was a vaccine injury, then it would go through the Vaccine Injury Court (Kangaroo). The vaccine makers are immune.
🎊🎉🎊100! 🎉🎊🎉

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The amount of buffoonery makes me want to slam my head through a wall.

Anyway. I got both shots a while ago. I had arm soreness and a bit of a fever/chills in the second dose but that was all. It’s so nice being able to get together in big groups again.
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