The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Lucky. My second was just awful. I don’t know anyone who reacted like I did, or even at all.

It was worth it though because I feel safe enough to go (some) places without a mask now which is a huge relief. The symptoms only lasted about 48 hours which in my opinion is a much better option than having the real thing for so much longer.
Had mild side effects on first and second shots (achy arm), nothing with booster. But I'd had a pretty good case of Covid back in Jan/Feb. DH had a mild case back then and has coughing, vomiting, headache with 1st and 2nd shots, not much with booster. Still beats hospitalization, entubation and death.
DH says I was wrong, he just had a little nausea and body ache, no vomiting. Arm hurt.

Edited. Sorry, I'm sleepy.
I have to get my flu shot soon, and I hate needles so I'm nervous already. I hope less people get the flu, it would make sense since most people are wearing masks and stuff.
I do too, and I hate needles. Make sure you have something to fidget with in your other hand, it makes it so much better. Also, look away!
I have to get my flu shot soon, and I hate needles so I'm nervous already. I hope less people get the flu, it would make sense since most people are wearing masks and stuff.
Being afraid of something and doing it anyway is the bravest thing, and I know how hard it is. I don't like needles, either, but I've found that in the last couple of years my anxiety has decreased a little with "practice". Just remember that the anticipatory anxiety is always the worst--the shot itself is hardly anything, in fact many people don't feel it at all.

Influenza is already going around and is expected to be brutal this year. Two of my coworkers caught it last month and one was out of work for two weeks, although she fortunately didn't have to be hospitalized.
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