The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Wrong. The basic technology is the same.
Regardless of how many times it has been used, there was always a FIRST time. Vaccine technologies had to be tested for a period of time before being approved by the FDA. That happens with EVERY vaccine. You should read up on the testing of the polio vaccine; it's truly inspiring the patriotism of those families.
You keep bringing other vaccines into this, but those arguments are irrelevant. The mRNA vaccines use new technology that has never been used before.

EVERY vaccine "has never been used before" when it first came out.

The first mRNA vaccines using mRNA technology were developed against the deadly Ebola virus in 2016, but since that virus is only found in a limited number of African countries, it had no commercial development in the U.S.

The first mRNA vacines for rabies were tested in humans in 2013.

Would you like to graciously correct your misstatement, @HappyClucker7 ?
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