The 10th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!!

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I only had 10 hatch, but they are sweet ones!

View attachment 1743742 My first pip, last night!!!
Two chicks! Thats it for my easter hatch... next are due to hatch on tues :celebrate

View attachment 1746363

Not a final count, just an update.
I am up to 15 as of 7am. All 6 of the shipped eggs that made it to lock down hatched, and 9 of the eggs from my flock. There are currently 5 pips and 12 still not showing any action, with noon being the end of their day 21.
I have moved 12 to the brooder:
View attachment 1746409
These 3 hatched since ~2am. They are from my BCM cockerel over my blue favaucana pullet.
View attachment 1746410

Congratulations to all!
I am absolutely devastated. I put our first four Nankin peeps in the brooder. My EcoGlo brooder plate needs a new cord, which has not yet arrived, so I had a heat lamp on them. The lamp apparently shifted and I have four dead peeps - it took all of about six minutes. My poor babies. This was our best hatch ever - seven, so far, and now this. It's almost enough to make me quit. Almost.
:hugs I am so sorry!

I have a backup brooder plate. I have a premier 1 and a brinsea ecoglo.

I did see that Brinsea has re designed their brooder plates and added a medium size
Emptied the chicks into the brooder and was taking the dud egg out when it accidentally dropped and the top crunched. Then I heard a chirp. Oh dammit! It wasn't dead after all. I did a quick extraction so it didn't shrink wrap and it's a chick not quite ready to join the world. (Large yolk sac still; a bit of blood; flopping about)
It's in the incubator in isolation and I don't think it'll make it. Or, if it does, it'll be a couple of days behind the others who are eating and drinking and carousing in the brooder all nice and fluffy.

I feel so badly that I dropped the poor little thing on its head. I certainly haven't done it any favors. Husby is looking on the lighter side and has named our slow chick Timmy. (Southpark reference.)

I'm still leaving my tally at 27 as its chances are slim.

A true tale of survival!

I'm about to call it...nearing 24 hours since first to hatch. This last pip was late to happen and stalling. Think I'll assist this one and turn things off. All in all I'd say my hatch was 12 hours off schedule. Late due to two days of cool weather and this back room has no heat source, second day was darn cold making incubator 1.5 F low when I got home from work.

Set 15
1 infertile
11 hatched

Edit update. Unplugged 6:30pm, went to assist 7:30pm and still born. Not stuck but dead. This is my tally -11 hatched of 15 set.

Nice hatch!

Total hatched 29

29 is Good!
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