The 2010 NaNoWriMo Thread!

Aww I hope he gets better soon!

Yay for your word count though! You're about 300 ahead of me so far
So where are we all now? Me? 7100 words or so. Bad, bad. Far behind.

But hubby is home. Home IV antibiotics till Friday, and he is to stay off the leg and keep it elevated as much as possible, so he's still pretty immobile. But at least I don't have to run back forth to hospital all the time!

Should be able to get back to normal writing schedule now!! Yay!
I'm doing the NaNoWriMo too!!!
My username is Payette, but I haven't been on the site yet.
I thought I was one of the only people doing this! So glad to not be alone!
Welcome Payette!

Mak--I am so sorry to hear about your husband and hope he is on the mend. My son was in a car wreck right before Nano started and it got me off to a slow start too. I worked on it last night and I am a little over 3000 words. I almost decided to skip it this year, but I am going to at least give it a shot. I doubt I will finish this time, but I didn't want to just lose my idea.
Welcome, Payette! Always good to have another NaNovelist around!

Michelle- Thanks! Hope your son it doing well, also! Darned families, don't they know November is not the month to have these problems???

He's getting better, slowly. Still on IV antibiotics. Luckily, they make the home IVs pretty idiot proof these days! He'll be off his feet for a week or so yet, most likely. Much easier on everyone, including him, to have him home.

I need to do about 1700/day and I'll make it. If I can do my personal goal (2000/day) I'll be good!

This is a bit behind, but I'm going to update today. Really. I am!
I know. That is what I said! It was the last week of October and I didn't have all my prep stuff done to start Nov. 1st. He ended up with a broken collarbone and we had to take care of him for a while (he is 18). We also started remodel on the kitchen, so it all just happened at the wrong time. I did a few words on the 1st, but didn't pick it up again until last night. If I can keep my thoughts rolling when I do sit down to write, I will be in good shape and if I can reach at least 25,000 I will be proud of myself anyway. That wouldn't be bad for the first time, would it? I am glad to hear your husband is on the mend!

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