The 2nd Rate the signature of the person above you!

I tried that once. I ended up staying on BYC.

I make a post or two max, then write a few more sentences on my essay, that way I can kinda keep things going on both sides. Sometimes it does take a conscious effort, but if I didn't do it I'd never get any work done. I can't disable internet on my school account :p
I have very little self control. Almost all of my essays are done at school, where I can't connect to the internet (Wi-fi is available almost everywhere, but I sit out of its range).
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Yea, if I want to get work done seriously with no "BYC breaks" I do it on my laptop, which isn't allowed to use the school's Wifi because it's not a Mac. :p The school are very paranoid about system safety. :lau
Cool! I'm glad you included the pronunciation at least, otherwise I'd probably have gotten it wrong. lol

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