The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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lol.. how many emus do you want?.. I have two evil semi adult BRATS in with my older respectable good ones...

the geese have threatened to lynch them.. yup.. they are the bad emus!
Sally, which hospital did you go to? I have been using Memorial Hospital (if we have to).

The new CLEAN urgent care was St. Josephs  and the :sick  hospital was TRHMC  and the security guards and the new metal detector systems were just so welcoming NOT! 

That is just crazy! Our oldest son had something once where he had a temp of almost 105` f. It was crazy. Went on for days. Finally since the doctors had no idea what was going on with him they gave him a shot of a powerful antibiotic. The next day his fever had gone down, it completely, but enough to ease the tension. They never did find out what he had that gave him that high fever.

I hope your son gets better soon. :hugs It is never fun having a sick kid...
So roughly 48 hours into this (my first hatch) I have come to the realization of two things. 1.) It is practically imposible to stay caught up on these posts (thank you ron for the daily digest)((also for the suggestion to read the hatching 101 article // very informative)). 2.) I am obsessed with adjusting the temp knob on my LG forced air. (aside from the first 12 hours after i put them in I dont think I have left it alone for more than 3-4 hours). It has read anywhere from 97 up to 100. Hoping when I get home in the morning it is going to be sitting right on 99.5 but we will see.

Personally I like to keep mine at 100. I like them to hatch a little earlier so they don't get to big to move around.
So has anyone got the number of eggs set added up?

5659 is what I counted by the numbers posted. Not everyone hass their numbers yet. What's up with that?

6493 so far......still many to come and we have guinea's yet to be added.

Today My Baby Boy Christian turns 10. Why are they all growing up??

My baby boy Christian turned 18 in November and is graduating this year. I don't know where the time went because it seems like yesterday he was a 10 year old in a pumpkin patch ;p

One time a chicken was walking around our subdivision and my husbands brother caught it when it walked onto our driveway. We brought it in the house and put it in the bath tub for a moment while I searched for some cornbread or something to see if she was hungry. Introduced her to our dog who she pecked on the nose. And the pecking order was set in stone from then on. We decided to set her up in the backyard.. Put layer pellets and a chicken waterer out for her.. Caught the dumb dog sampling her food a couple of times. The next morning there was an egg in the dog house. Since the dog ate as many layer pellets as she did we had to guess on which one left the egg ;-). Since the dog does not use the dog house and sleeps inside we decided it was probably the hen ;-) And we should keep her. That was our first chicken ever. I think it was 8 years ago. It's been chicken math and acreage property and back again since then.

Should I even admit that the dog and the chicken both stood at the glass patio door hoping for treats but the dog waited respectfully for the chicken to come in first? I've since stopped letting my chickens in the house (for the most part).

Cute story
Hi everyone! I just weighed Oomoo yesterday, and he weighs 2 LBS! This guy is only a little over 2 weeks old! he drinks and eats SOOOOOO much and he is only a baby, HIs sib isn't as greedy lolol .(of course she's younger thought). I'll have to post more pics. The third little emu in the egg is growing very nicely, and is wiggling. I have been sooo busy taking care of them, finally moved them out side today into a shed with a heat lamp. they seem to be doing well.

@WHmarans - Probably not something you'll want to do, LOL. I raise all non-breeder roos as capons (ie: they're surgically neutered). Heritage breeds are neutered at 6-10 weeks, but these guys grow so fast that the surgery is pretty difficult to do correctly by 6 weeks, and is least stressful/most successful at three and a half weeks. This is why the roo in the pic has such tiny headgear - he's been a capon about half his life to date.
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ok I set 14 serama's today on top of the 78 already stated. for a new total of 92 (My wife is going to kill me
) Shhhh don't tell her she will find out in three weeks anyway right?
Am I too late with my set numbers? On Sat, I set 41 eggs from Chickengirl1304 : 15 Cream Legbar, 12 FBCM, and 14 Langshans. Then I decided to do a test hatch with a turner that my DH rigged up for my GQF cabinet hatcher so I loaded it with 52 eggs: 20 Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar mix, 5 Pita Pinta/Langshan mix, 19 Pita Pinta, 7 Langshan/farm mix, and 1 blk Langshan. So my total number for the hatch is 93!
Well, I have ducklings due to hatch the week before Easter and goslings due 3-4 days after Easter, but it looks like I didn't plan ahead enough for them to actually hatch the day before Easter... guess I`ll have to officially join this hatch-a-long next year. :/
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