The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted my numbers yet! I've been sick since last Thursday. I have 36 barnyard mix, 3 serama, 3 NN, 3 phoenix, 1 mixed duck, 7 Ancona ducks, 8 coturnix quail and 16 button quail. That's a total of 77.

I haven't read the last 4000 posts, but I'll try to keep up now. I don't want to miss out on all the news and pictures!
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And for those that are already into the next day.........................................

I added 3 more Monday at 5pm. Is it too late to add them to total the count?

Hopefully I haven't royally screwed up my first staggered hatching. 16 on one day, 30 on another, then a couple more, and a couple more. I only have a stryo-incubator for incubating and hatching.

Your good with adding them to the count and you should be ok with the stagger.

ok I set 14 serama's today on top of the 78 already stated. for a new total of 92 (My wife is going to kill me
) Shhhh don't tell her she will find out in three weeks anyway right?
Serama's are too cute for your wife to get mad, besides adding 14 is like adding 3 LF, it was just a rounding error.

We had a little mishap and are setting 5 olandak dwarfs. Windowsill eggs are NOT for family omlets!!!!!!!!!
One of my favorite breeds. Good layers and handle the winter, tough little guys (don't tell them I said that).

Am I too late with my set numbers? On Sat, I set 41 eggs from Chickengirl1304 : 15 Cream Legbar, 12 FBCM, and 14 Langshans. Then I decided to do a test hatch with a turner that my DH rigged up for my GQF cabinet hatcher so I loaded it with 52 eggs: 20 Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar mix, 5 Pita Pinta/Langshan mix, 19 Pita Pinta, 7 Langshan/farm mix, and 1 blk Langshan. So my total number for the hatch is 93!
Nope, timing is fine. Thanks for the update.

Well, I have ducklings due to hatch the week before Easter and goslings due 3-4 days after Easter, but it looks like I didn't plan ahead enough for them to actually hatch the day before Easter... guess I`ll have to officially join this hatch-a-long next year. :/
Sad face, hope to see you next year. Keep us updated anyways, we love ducklings and goslings!


I'm so sorry I haven't posted my numbers yet! I've been sick since last Thursday. I have 36 barnyard mix, 3 serama, 3 NN, 3 phoenix, 1 mixed duck, 7 Ancona ducks, 8 coturnix quail and 16 button quail. That's a total of 77.

I haven't read the last 4000 posts, but I'll try to keep up now. I don't want to miss out on all the news and pictures!

I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the update, the daily digest would catch you right up.

I was only able to set 2 eggs.
An actual sane person! Good luck with your hatch. What are the eggs, or is it a secret?
I have over 20 fluffy little babies in the hatcher now! There are 8 Rhodebars, 4 Blue/Black Copper Marans, 5 Blue Wheaten/Wheaten Ameraucanas, Chocolate Bantam Orps and my F1 Chocolate bantam Cochin project. The Rhodebars, Marans and Ams were shipped eggs. Of course, there are more little Rhodebar boys than girls... 5 to 3. Love that autosexing!
I will have to post pictures and a final count tomorrow. What with getting new birds, new chicks and managing the farm with 4 children, one of whom was home sick - I just didn't get it all done today!

Some chicks. Loving the diversity in this batch!

EE's, some under a Brabanter (black EE's) and some under a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana; GLW ; and MFL
I figured since I can't sleep I would get my numbers posted. I am so far behind on this thread between being sick for 2 days & starting homeschooling for 2 kids this past week. I haven't even had a chance to read Ron's digests the past several days, but will head there next. Here are my totals set to hatch 4/19 +/- 2 days (4/17-4/21)

62 Rainbow Layers & Polish mix set to hatch 4/17 as turkey tutors
4 Turkey set to hatch 4/19
5 Ancona duck set to hatch 4/19
8 Call duck set to hatch 4/19
55 Rainbow layers & Polish mix set to hatch 4/21


If I need pix I can get them, but I forgot on the turkeys & ducks & pulled clears over the weekend to make room for more chicken.
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