The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I probably missed this question being asked & answered somewhere on the thread :oops:
I am hoping to take out my incubator this weekend and sterilize it. It is one of the inexpensive styrofoam models from TSC. I was thinking of using Clorox Wipes to wipe everything down, then letting it air dry. 
I did clean it last time after hatching, but I figured it's been in storage for over six months. Any other ways I should clean it? 
years ago when I worked for a General Pactitioner, the AMA required my employer to switch from Cetylcide to Benzalkonium chloride for keeping her surgical instruments "un infective" while they awaited sterilization. Years later, while I was working at an old folks' home, we were required to mist the dining tables with this BZK (AKA Zephiran) to help minimize the "germs" growing all over everything. This BZK is a pretty strong surface dis infectiant hat is pretty safe to use. The nonalcoholic hand wipes, baby wipes, and hand wash all have this as the active ingredient. I use it a lot, even to mist wounds and the insides of my incubators. It is non corrosive; it has been used to cure fish of ich and other protozoans. It doesn't actually clean things, but after the cleaning is done, a light misting helps to keep all the little microbes in check. That said, Chlorox/bleach wipes work great, too. You CAN mist with a very dilute solution of bleach, if you find that more convenient.
I collected a double yolk today and want to save it for the HAL. I was wondering if both ends have air pockets or just the one?
Just one.
Although double yolkers rarely hatch, you might try it as an experiment.
Thank you. I know it will likely not hatch it is a experiment. the rooster is from a breeder salmon Faverolle and the hen is a hatchery California white.
I ordered a sportsman 1502 cabinet last night so well pray it shows up before I have to set eggs!
I ordered a sportsman 1502 cabinet last night so well pray it shows up before I have to set eggs!
Fingers are crossed!!

Here is the roo that hopefully be the father of our chicks.

And these chicks should be the mothers.

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