The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I want to join, I will be starting my duck eggs today.
Ah but do they actually lay more in the long run?

Ok, so, long run. You mean life span of laying. Or...all together..laying. If they lay almost an egg a day, for 3 yrs..would that count/makeup for a chicken that lays an egg 2 or 3 times a week for three yrs.? I'm bad at math. he he...just givin ya a hard my sexlinks...and I love my pure breds too. That's why I have a mix.
Don't forget to enter the contests!


Contest #1: Guess How Many Eggs Will Be Set!

To enter, go here:

Contest #2: Random Posting Contest

3 random dates and times have been chosen. If your post is nearest to the secret time, you win!
Winner #1: SoManyHats

Contest #3: Photo Caption Contest #1

To enter, go here:

Contest #4: Easter or Hatching Fictional Short Story Contest

To enter, go here:

Contest #5: Broodies and their Babies

To enter, go here:

Contest #6: Natural Egg Photo Contest

To enter, go here:

Contest #7: Cutest Baby Fowl

To enter, go here:

Contest #8: Funniest Chicken Picture Contest

To enter, go here:

Well I sold off 6 young cockerels today. Didn't get but $2.00 a pieces for them but that's about a bag of feed to feed the rest of them. If I had taken then to the auction I would have had to feed them another 3 weeks and then most likely gotten two dollars each for them but would have had fees and commission on them so I would have gotten less anyway.
Well I sold off 6 young cockerels today. Didn't get but $2.00 a pieces for them but that's about a bag of feed to feed the rest of them. If I had taken then to the auction I would have had to feed them another 3 weeks and then most likely gotten two dollars each for them but would have had fees and commission on them so I would have gotten less anyway.
It looks like 6 of my 13 3-week old chicks are cockerels.
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