The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Final total 54 chicken 27 ducks for a grand total of 81 eggs set
With the money I get from selling the chicks im going to get one of the little giants that have the digital thermometer for next year so that would put me at having 3 batons for next year because im going to have way more ducks and chickens so fun but here's pix

Hi there-Birdmansmom here. We'll see if I can hatch some little chicks as good as Birdman can! Only going to try my luck at 12 for the first time.
My digital ones are for checking body temp. They're the ones that were reading 103 and 101 in the incubator. They were reading almost the same temp, within half a degree, when I tested them on myself and in a glass of hot water. The probe one that came with the incubator; I'm just not sure how to check it. I tried comparing it to an indoor thermometer I have, and it's reading higher than that is, but I really don't know that that is accurate either. It's mounted on cardboard, so I can't stick it in water. And it didn't really register anything when I tried to check it against my body temperature.

I think you are brave. I don't know. Maybe I should just put them in and cross my fingers. I guess if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

I guess I'm still not sure what I'm trying to stabalize it too. I can't figure out if any of my thermometers are accurate.

I would average the two digital thermometers, lower the temp until it was at 100 for the average and then adjust again when you get the spot check on Tuesday.

You are doing the best you can and a couple of days at a slightly off temperature will be fine for the hatch.

I'm setting 18 eggs. The Blue eggs are from Ebay and I'm not sure they will survive because they were covered in yolk and I had to gently wash them. The rest are from my mixed flock but my rooster is only 13 weeks old so I don't know if they are fertile. I hope I get a few...

hey! those blue eggs look great! glad you could wash them
My digital ones are for checking body temp. They're the ones that were reading 103 and 101 in the incubator. They were reading almost the same temp, within half a degree, when I tested them on myself and in a glass of hot water. The probe one that came with the incubator; I'm just not sure how to check it. I tried comparing it to an indoor thermometer I have, and it's reading higher than that is, but I really don't know that that is accurate either. It's mounted on cardboard, so I can't stick it in water. And it didn't really register anything when I tried to check it against my body temperature.

I think you are brave. I don't know. Maybe I should just put them in and cross my fingers. I guess if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

I guess I'm still not sure what I'm trying to stabalize it too. I can't figure out if any of my thermometers are accurate.
my LG manual stresses their customer support for use of their model, yours may also just call them up-they may have the experience with such problems with their models
OK my numbers are
  • 11 BCM
  • 12 EE/OE mix
  • 8 Porcelain D'uccle/EE mix
  • 6 EE
  • 7 Bantam/EE mix
=44 eggs set today for the Easter HAL woop woop ! A special shout too cree57i for the BCM and OE/EE mix eggs, thank you so much.
Waiting.........not so patiently......

x3 Yep, it is fast......great job everyone!!
Rise and shine! It's chicken egg setting day!!
I received some beautiful Welsummer eggs from @HappyChooks . For some reason, they don't look that dark in pictures but they are pretty dark. I am setting them in an hr or so, will post pics.
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