The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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4 duck eggs & 12 barnyard chickens in my aquarium bator. Plus may have 8 under my duck. Not sure if she will sit on thwm yet. Hopefully she will. Duck eggs in incubator are looking good so far!

So final count (unless I add something tomorrow) is 19.
13 BCM
4 banty (silkie or oegb mix)
14 eggs under two broodies. All mixed. There is a teeny possibility of a pure Tolbunt Polish, but the Polish hen just started laying four days ago. I was hoping to set some in the incubator, but maybe next time! Is there a Halloween HAL?
Here are mine. I also have a has a hard plastic around the top of the foam..just the top. Is that how all of those are? All I know is, when I borrowed it last time for the NYD hatch a long, that thing help the temp and the humidity like not other. The gal that had it used coloring in her water to watch the water levels. I don't even use that much water. Couldn't get the stains of red out, but it is working great so far. I set my eggs just past midnight so I could officially say that I set on the 14th. LOL..a little superstitious about the 13th? :D

Check out those beauties from Mitchaelf..that I won in the NYD HAL. Really pretty.
The dark Marans on the those olive eggs too from a neighbor.

So pretty Cynthia! It's like a rainbow!
I have couple of valuable eggs whose egg shell has small triangular chips off. I would say about 3 mm each way. Can I cover that spot with tape or with a nail polish? Anyone has done that and the eggs hatched without issues?
A lot of people use candle wax. I have used the paper-type medical tape and/or the spray-on bandage from Nexcare to cover cracks. If I use the paper tape, I remove it at lockdown so it doesn't cause problems when hatching. Yes, they can hatch.

Does anyone have this incubator? I borrowed from a friend, who doesn't have the instruction manual. I believe it is a Chinese special. There are settings 'AL' 'AH' 'A5' ' CA' 'H5' 'L5'


hoping to set 48 eggs tonight, but still trying to figure this thing out!

Does anyone have this incubator? I borrowed from a friend, who doesn't have the instruction manual. I believe it is a Chinese special. There are settings 'AL' 'AH' 'A5' ' CA' 'H5' 'L5'


hoping to set 48 eggs tonight, but still trying to figure this thing out!

I have that incubator. Yes, it was a cheapie Chinese special off of Ebay. I bought two, one broke while I was away on a trip. I came home, heartbroken, to an ice cold incubator a few weeks back...

My other, however, holds temp extremely well. I haven't had any issues with it. This is besides the fact that I have to actually set it to 38.5 celcius to get 37.5 celcius at egg level inside the actual incubator.

The AL AH A5, etc. all stand for the low/high temp and humidity settings. I can give you more details once I get home and take a look at it. Would you like me to send you a few scanned pages of the instruction manual?

I actually reset all of those settings (disabled them), because it would constantly beep...
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