The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I have emu eggs if anyone wants to try to hatch them. I have two mated pairs of emus but I haven't actually witnessed any mating. Just pay shipping.



UGHH im ripping my hair out (jk) i really want emu and my pap inks its a good idea because they are good for eggs and meat and my parents are like NO NO NO you already ordered 8 more waterfowl noooo more birds
Lol its not for veil and there 2 months now but we are going to eat our big one (black angus)

This is a pic from a month ago and now hes prob about 950 lbs
Ahhhh Look at that face! I know you loved on him as a baby?
I couldn't do it! Some people can? I CAN'T! That's as bad as that Dairy Farmer's kids telling me when they were younger? Dad killed all the chickens and put them in the freezer with THEIR names on the packages! O M G!
It's all I can handle to eat chicken now. It better come to the house already cooked, because I sure can't handle raw chicken. Especially when I have little Maria sitting on a towel on the Island watching me cook supper! She's the little white hen in my Avatar!

Ahhhh Look at that face! I know you loved on him as a baby? ;)  I couldn't do it! Some people can? I CAN'T! That's as bad as that Dairy Farmer's kids telling me when they were younger? Dad killed all the chickens and put them in the freezer with THEIR names on the packages! O M G! :eek:  It's all I can handle to eat chicken now. It better come to the house already cooked, because I sure can't handle raw chicken. Especially when I have little Maria sitting on a towel on the Island watching me cook supper! She's the little white hen in my Avatar!


Lol I love my silkies they love the house also but we got him when he was 300 lbs so about 6 months old so he wasn't a baby and hes a jerk he pinned me up against the wall and butted me in the leg with his head because I had to get his little feed thingy to put feed in but I had he feed in my hand sooo my mistake but he hates my dad he go full force after him but the babies are babies they follow you and love being petted sooo im not killing ill cut up meat but nooo shooting it because we just butchered our meat sheep and as I was getting it to the exact spot my dad shot it and i really didnt want to be there but ohh well no nigtmres because he was mean but the other i was not there to see him get shot but im satisfied the meat is delicious
Lol I love my silkies they love the house also but we got him when he was 300 lbs so about 6 months old so he wasn't a baby and hes a jerk he pinned me up against the wall and butted me in the leg with his head because I had to get his little feed thingy to put feed in but I had he feed in my hand sooo my mistake but he hates my dad he go full force after him but the babies are babies they follow you and love being petted sooo im not killing ill cut up meat but nooo shooting it because we just butchered our meat sheep and as I was getting it to the exact spot my dad shot it and i really didnt want to be there but ohh well no nigtmres because he was mean but the other i was not there to see him get shot but im satisfied the meat is delicious
No Way! I couldn't eat them! As a matter of fact! My parents bought a little bull calf to raise for butchering when I was a tiny toddler. Mom babied him so much he followed us around like a puppy. They ended up selling him because there's no way mom could have eaten him! :) Hmmmm Must run in the family!

I had to laugh seeing those geese in your Avatar! While living at the Dairy Farm? There were two white geese there. They bit me on my butt every chance they got. Grrrrrrrrr When I packed my car to leave for two weeks with my Army unit! I told that Farmer! Get rid of those danged geese while I'm gone. LOL

Thankfully he did! And they weren't in the freezer either!

lol these are my babies i can hand feed them but if they don't get food they will pinch they are brown chinese i ordered 2 more geese but those are sebostopol there will be pix since im getting them March 23rd and im going to try to hatch a bator full of chicken and a bator full of duck as long as they lay but thats why I made breeding pens because they have been giving me more eggs in the breeding pens but im not feeding them any grains just scraps
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