The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Yes I know. My lazy babies enjoying the new digs... Oh and another just zipped!!! 2 more going crazy trying to zip.
I'm so happy for you! They are so cute!
could you post pictures I'd like to see the color. My eggs are light blue. Hard to get a picture because flash aways flashes and lighten them even more. Need to find the book on this old camera.
Will do as soon as I get them. Resisted the temptation yesterday but picking some up in early March for the HAL
It's so fun watching those little beaks peck against the egg knowing that they are trying with all of their might to get OUT OF THAT THING... I made myself walk away and go do other things.

Know what ya mean. It never gets old and the hands get numb (sitting on them) at times letting them work on it a good 24 hrs.
a friend asked me, just tonight, when I will be hatching eggs again.  She wants me to hatch some of hers for her, so I'll be adding those to my HAL eggs.

That's what friends are for. To help with the chicken math.

On a different note. Today I got a whopping 6 eggs. It's been a good while since I've gotten that many at once. It even still a little early yet for egg gathering around my place. I don't really expect any more, since I only have 12 that are laying age right now.
I took a break for a while. It was originally just going to be for 2 days, but that's not what ended up happening. On day 2 of my break I took the brooder out to clean and give the chicks some outside time. It was a fairly nice day and they HATED the dog crate, but they were ok. That is, until 2 of them discovered a way to escape. They hid so well I thought the cats got them. I found one of them on Tuesday. My guess is that it came out of hiding at night and froze to death. I still haven't found the other one and I have zero hope that I will. 

At least I'm getting a new bator Saturday. 

That's so sad. I'm sorry about your babies
I'm gonna take a stab and say about 14 days or so. The shell is a little more full of darkness than the ones in the bator that are 11 days.

Ok. Unless they are blood rings or start to smell I would hold off tossing until day 17-18.... That's when I make my final cull of eggs and it's saved me more times than once with an egg.
Quote: I love this! its actually pretty!! well done!

Good Morning Sally!

I took a break for a while. It was originally just going to be for 2 days, but that's not what ended up happening. On day 2 of my break I took the brooder out to clean and give the chicks some outside time. It was a fairly nice day and they HATED the dog crate, but they were ok. That is, until 2 of them discovered a way to escape. They hid so well I thought the cats got them. I found one of them on Tuesday. My guess is that it came out of hiding at night and froze to death. I still haven't found the other one and I have zero hope that I will.

At least I'm getting a new bator Saturday.
oh Raz!!! I am so sorry
I was afraid you were not feeling well!

Cathy how are you feeling?
I'm thinking that I should just pull all of the eggs my girls have layed. I know they're broody and want to raise a clutch. But it's too cold. They're not sitting yet because they're not done laying. The embryos will all be dead before they actually get to setting.
But the good thing is that they're ready. As it warms up,whenever that is,I know that I've got some girls that are interested! Until then,I'll just love on y'all's babies!!!!

God bless,Glory

Ps...SallySunshine-Yes it is way cool! Only problem is......IM NOT A MORNING PERSON!!!
lol Unless I'm hunting or fishing,then it's ok to be awake that early.

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