The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!


I will call her Breeze. As @GitaBooks suggested. She suggested that on a very breezy day. I had just been out there taking care of the chickens, and there she stood, with those ruffled curley feathers just blowing this way and that! I was just chuckling at her. I will call her Breeze, Breezy.. remember the tune for Cover Girl? Easy Breezy Cover Girl? Something like that. She's my little Cover Girl... She doesn't need the makeup though!
Hi I'd like to join! I'll be setting my own eggs on March 5th, from a variety of hens paired up with CL & EEs roos. I'll update with pic/quantity on set date. Also I'm using an old incubator that I've had great success dry hatching in, put the eggs in, do nothing, 21 days later out pop the chicks:)
No duck eggs left :( lost the last egg maybe 6 days ago or so, but thought it was alive cause I saw blood vessels still.

Got an LG with fan if anyone wants it, you pay shipping. Also got a spare fan for any still air incubators, again I ain't paying the shipping but anyone's welcome to it.

New hovabator is hooked up and holds steady temps much better already. Calibrated my thermometers this evening so I am ready to go! Hopefully the new incubator will help a lot
No duck eggs left
lost the last egg maybe 6 days ago or so, but thought it was alive cause I saw blood vessels still.

Got an LG with fan if anyone wants it, you pay shipping. Also got a spare fan for any still air incubators, again I ain't paying the shipping but anyone's welcome to it.

New hovabator is hooked up and holds steady temps much better already. Calibrated my thermometers this evening so I am ready to go! Hopefully the new incubator will help a lot
You will have some hatching this time!
Hi I'd like to join! I'll be setting my own eggs on March 5th, from a variety of hens paired up with CL & EEs roos. I'll update with pic/quantity on set date. Also I'm using an old incubator that I've had great success dry hatching in, put the eggs in, do nothing, 21 days later out pop the chicks:)
Count us in then! I teach 4th grade and will be using my eggs from my chickens this year. I have a mix of brama, barred rock and few golden wyndotte. Our rooster is a barred rock though. Will be interesting to see the mixes that come out. Our broody hens have mostly been our barred rocks.
I'll most likely set the 3rd of March.

I seem to have lost a quote. I'm setting White Chantecler over various breeds, FBCM if I can get my hen to lay in her nest, whatever my friend get's from her boyfriend, and, wait for it.... SILKIES!!!! I got my first Silkie egg today!


I'm in! It will be my first time trying to hatch so we'll see if it works!

@mlm Mike your earning your keep today!!
thought you were in an ALL DAY MEETING today? hmmmmm I guess you arent! stinker!
Thank you so much!!!
But I was in a meeting that lasted the day! Maybe I multitasked a little.

Lock down


Quote: GOOD NEWS!!!! you already know this but here it is anyways just in case
How I do SHIPPED EGGS post #53845

Really wanting to join the Easter Hatch-a-long this year if I can get some eggs.
I haven't gotten my chickens separated yet so no purebred eggs from my own hens for a couple weeks yet. May hatch out some cross breeds just for fun, if I don't end up getting any purebred eggs in time.
See if any of these help you out!

Alettertoeggshippers.doc 30k .doc file
ShippingEggsTheSallySunshineWay.docx 175k .docx file
note these files are still a work in progress, thank you @Chaos18 for creating them post #40168
How Sally Sunshine Incubates SHIPPED EGGS post #53845
DO you have to be NPIP certified to ship hatching eggs? States/Agencies Info see post #33884
BYC Links for EGGS........
LOCAL BYC THREADS in the Where am I? Where are you Section! click HERE


I will call her Breeze. As @GitaBooks suggested. She suggested that on a very breezy day. I had just been out there taking care of the chickens, and there she stood, with those ruffled curley feathers just blowing this way and that! I was just chuckling at her. I will call her Breeze, Breezy.. remember the tune for Cover Girl? Easy Breezy Cover Girl? Something like that. She's my little Cover Girl... She doesn't need the makeup though!
Hi I'd like to join! I'll be setting my own eggs on March 5th, from a variety of hens paired up with CL & EEs roos. I'll update with pic/quantity on set date. Also I'm using an old incubator that I've had great success dry hatching in, put the eggs in, do nothing, 21 days later out pop the chicks:)
Are these good layers?  Have been looking at them.  Also..broody?

I don't honestly know. I thought they were pretty so i asked for the eggs to be included in a replacement shipping for some lost chicks. They are big though and are dual purpose. The three that hatched are the sweetest things! Much friendlier than the bielefelders.

EMU Egg update!

I weighed the eggs last week and they have all lost about 15% of their original weight. I had to use a different scale though as I think the first one I used was rounding the weights up to the nearest 50grams which is throwing everything off. I was able to calculate what the original weight of the eggs most likely was using a formula I found online.

In any case, the eggs are rolling along nicely. Sure wish I could candle them, but I'm fairly certain I have viable eggs. When I turn them now I notice that they try to rotate back to the position they were previously in. Based on experience with my chicken eggs, I believe this is because the growing embryo inside weights the egg as it settles which causes it to want to stay in the same position. So, I have to prop them up a little bit to keep them from rolling back. I take this as a good sign that all is well and I have baby Emus in all of my eggs! (just a theory..:) lol)

My younger son came in with some duck eggs a few days ago (we have three Rouen ducks, 1 drake and 2 hens) He asked if we could try and incubate the eggs so they are now in our spare incubator! Timing wise they won't hatch on Easter, but what the heck!

We had our chicken coop decimated the day after New Years. A dog got into the coop and gorged on our chickens. We lost all but two. Luckily the dog left the ducks alone and our beautiful Royal Palm turkey flew away to safety. It was a hard blow and the kids were super upset. So when my son asked to hatch a couple duck eggs, how could I say no??

On a sorta semi-sweet note, the night the dog killed our chickens I found one lone egg in the nesting boxes. I heated up the incubator and hatched the little sweetie. We are calling her "Legacy" in remembrance of our lost chickens. Not sure who her parents are, but she looks like our old EE roo and maybe the golden laced hen we had.
She's darn cute no matter what! :yiipchick

So that is the EMU egg update and a little more....:p

The emus sound promising! So sorry to hear of your losses. My mom lost a bunch to a neighbors dog TWICE! Both times her favorite was gone. Happy to hear you have LEGACY.


Of course not!

That is why it is an old wives tale and not used by hatcheries.

Are you going to set sumatra eggs?

Gotta love those old wives tales!
Think I'm going to join in, as long as I can find some eggs! Been crazy temperature swings here in Central New York. I know I can get some Wheaton Ameraucanas locally, but no success in finding non-hatchery, utility bred Wyandottes that I really want.

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