The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

As some of you know I set 2 dozen EE eggs last Tuesday since they were shipped earlier then expected and had some pretty awful air cells. They rested for 36 hours before going into the incubator, and they incubated without turning for the first three days. After those three days, most of the saddle shaped air cells repaired themselves and even two of the free moving air cells seemed to heal, so I started turning the eggs by hand three times a day. They are upright in egg cartons, so I just tilt the cartons back and forth. Here are the results with some pictures! (I apologize for picture quality, eggs do not show up well on either my phone camera or my real camera)

6 of the eggs are 100% clear and empty, no blood ring and no development. Five of these are eggs are those that arrived with freely moving air cells and one is an egg that arrived with a saddle shaped air cell, so I'm not sure if it was the damage to the air cells that prevented any sort of development or if these eggs were just infertile to begin with. Here's a picture of one of the completely clear eggs.

7 of the eggs contained blood rings. All of them are eggs that either had a freely moving air cell or saddle shaped air cell. One of the them was also one of the two cracked eggs I repaired with clear nail polish. Here are some different pictures of the eggs with blood rings.

And 11 of the eggs are developing! I'm actually surprised that this many are growing at all, given they arrived in such bad shape. One of these eggs is a cracked egg I repaired with clear nail polish and another is an egg that had "stress cracks" inside of the egg (only visible when candling). Two of these eggs had what I would call acceptable air cells (including the cracked one...) and the other nine all had saddle shaped air cells when they arrived. Here are a couple pics of one of the fertile eggs, as well as a quick video of one of the little swimmers!


Now I'm looking forward to Friday so I can candle my 41 HAL eggs to see if they're doing any better!
The Hatching/Set List is Current to Post 7505

thank you Awesome Mike!!!

Exhausted, but otherwise ok. No fevers at least. I didn't even make it out to check for eggs a second time today. I think I'm just gonna candle and go bed.
good night sweets! get some rest!
@Sally Sunshine I have hatching eggs, but they are mixed. Possibly I could separate the hen and Roo to only get Rhode Island Reds? I might be able to do a hatching egg gift for HAL, we will see what I can do. I will separate them this week if I can.

Edit: Wrong thread!
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Can you loose a pullet to cocci if it seems like they were improving? Treated her for 5 days,and she seemed OK, but not very active. Found her dead in the run today. It's been about 2 weeks. Could it be something like worms instead, and what should I treat the other two in that pen with?
Can you loose a pullet to cocci if it seems like they were improving? Treated her for 5 days,and she seemed OK, but not very active. Found her dead in the run today. It's been about 2 weeks. Could it be something like worms instead, and what should I treat the other two in that pen with?
Yes you can. The treatment strength is for 5 to 7 days--like a tsp. of powder per gallon of corid. Then you go to a resistance building treatment of 1\2 a tsp for another 5 to 7 days.

My notes:

Day 5 Observations

Silkies still look great. Zero development in Andalusian eggs. 4 early blood rings spotted. 3 of those are from Jazzy's eggs. Starting to see more development from the Buckeye and Chantecler eggs. I've noticed a few of them have no development. Still a lot of clears from Blizzard's pen.

Tomorrow night I'll be tossing the Marans egg. It has a ton of cracks I didn't notice before candling tonight. It looks like it's developing, though. I know for sure tomorrow.

Not a lot to report. Stay tuned. Night folks!
Yes you can. The treatment strength is for 5 to 7 days--like a tsp. of powder per gallon of corid. Then you go to a resistance building treatment of 1\2 a tsp for another 5 to 7 days.

My notes:
thanks, Ron will treat everyone in that pen according to above directions.

The sucky part is I paid $35 for that pullet and she was ill when I got her. Naturally, they won't admit it or give me my money back. Offered two chicks (gee, more diseased birds-just what I want)

On a brighter note, got my broody switched to the 8 eggs due on Sat. Guess they are officially on lockdown
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So what is the reason for this ? Does it help with the extra weight or what exactly ?  :confused: Just call me dazed and confused. lol

Are you referring to the silver thing?  If so..that is the motor..and, you should move that gets pretty warm.  Most people don't put eggs by it.  :)  In fact, they leave two least I do.

I see it isn't yours, whoever this belongs to..may want to move eggs.  :p

The reason for the rubber band is b/c of the added weight & without it, the little arm pops out & won't turn. But the turner motor seems to be fine as long as there's a rubber band is there.

I know that spot next to the turner motor gets hotter, but mine usually still develop. This time I'll mark it when I transfer it to the hatcher & see if it hatches. But, thanks for the tip!
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