The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Super excited heading in to lock down the bator so far everything has gone SO MUCH better than the last hatch, LETS pray for at least more than just 3 babies this time LOL
OK, roll call time:

What are you planning on setting for the hatch (at the moment - ahz zees singz change, juno?)

I am planning on setting Iowacana project eggs (as many as I can collect), Iowa Blue eggs, some cuckoo Marans for the layer flock, and some Seramas because I tripped and fell on my keyboard and accidentally kinda bought them.

Quail currently incubating, too soon for the hatchling.
My own EE and BSL crosses again, if I can kick the MG in my flock in time.

Not PLANNING on buying shipped eggs yet... But ya never know, lol....

Draye, congrats on the new badge. *breathes on, polishes new shiny badge of her own*

Congratulations both of you!

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I absolutely love that answer. Have to remember it when my older children complain about my chicken Quote (not a chicken hoarder. I just have a space problem.) they will die laughing.....
I too am going to borrow this answer! :)
my silkies from Sats hatch! just a few, there are tons of yellow ones! all hatched but one! look how cute!!! love saras chicks Polish
Sally I love the silkies maybe some of our silkie's eggs should happen to fall into the incubator. To see what we get ;) so glad we got silkies. Are these your first?

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