The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Awesome sauce! I'd love an update too...

Yes, @Asever1 set four emu eggs on February 5th. We could use an update!

Yes! Emu eggs are in the incubator... I placed four eggs but I'm thinking that maybe two of them are not fertile. Two are losing weight as they should but two are sadly not. I don't believe it is an issue with temp or humidity as they are all in the same incubator and two are doing just fine. So sad if they are in fact not going to hatch.
I'm happy if we get two, but FOUR would have been awesome!!! I will keep them all going just in case....

In other news...if any of you remember I mentioned that our flock had been decimated by a dog a couple months back. We had one egg survive the carnage and it hatched into our lovely girl (I think) Legacy. Well, sadly, we put Legacy out into the main coop in a small cage with a heat lamp to get her out of my laundry room. Somehow the lamp got turned the wrong way and she developed frostbite on both legs. We got her back inside quickly and I have been soaking her feet in Epsom salts and keeping her nice and warm. Her legs were badly blistered and full of fluid. So far she hasn't lost any toes, nothing is turning black, but after two weeks she still is not using her toes to grip. She limps and is very clumsy, as if she can't feel her feet maybe??
We will keep working with her and hoping for the best. No matter what she will be cared for. I've seen chickens without any feet do just fine. They look kinda funny, but they get around on their peg legs somehow.... I'd post pics of her feet, but they are sort of gruesome looking and I don't want to disturb anyone. Is there a way to post a pic that can only be looked at by clicking on it on purpose? Just in case anyone is interested in looking at what I am fairly sure is frostbite??
My eggs from ladycluck77 arrived today!! They are all intact, and the only issue is some have air cell defects. I am surprised since they came from Maine to Colorado and did good... Hopefully I can get a few. Also I am getting quail eggs tomorrow, I will see what he all has and go from there.

I found my cabinet bator for $200 on a site like craigslist lol

LOL yeah, I found one for like 125 aha

Amazon and ebay have lots of nice incubators ;) .....    :oops:  :lau  

Edited to add:
And they ship to you, so driving wouldn't be an issue :cool:

Ok here's help.... Get at least 2... You'll want to do more

Speckled Sussex are awesome! Sorry, I'm not going to try talking you out of this. Totally get them! :gig

Enablers, all of ya! Every last one!

But okay.... maybe just 3 more chicks won't hurt
I was wondering...

How old is your oldest chicken?


My oldest is 4.5 years old. She is my only chicken that is named, her name is Hawk. She is a good old easter egger from before I knew the difference. She still lays an egg a day.
I was wondering...

How old is your oldest chicken?


My oldest is 4.5 years old. She is my only chicken that is named, her name is Hawk. She is a good old easter egger from before I knew the difference. She still lays an egg a day.
I have a golden comet that is going on 7!

She is still feisty too.
I'm so glad they are all in good shape! I put plastic grocery bags in with the eggs I shipped, so we'll see how that turned out. I didn't really have anything else handy. I also put in some plastic baggies that I blew air into. :)

Wow, those are some awesome breeds! I want some heritage RIRs one of these days.

And that is one of the cutest ducks in the world!

I'm glad they shipped well! Congrats! :thumbsup

I had some egg-eaters. We ended up having to get rid of the main culprit, but there are some methods that help. Dark nest boxes, extra thick nesting material, collecting more often, filling a fake egg with something disgusting, having one of those nest boxes that rolls the egg out of reach, and others.

best of luck!

Welcome! So glad you could join! :frow

What do you want to set?

Speckled Sussex are awesome! Sorry, I'm not going to try talking you out of this. Totally get them! :gig

Don't be too quick to toss out eggs, but I have a feeling any egg that doesn't look normal probably isn't going to hatch. :/ I sure hope they do though! :fl

Nope. We'll take anyone we can get. :)

Welcome to the HAL!

I'm glad you got your claim approved! :thumbsup I hope your eggs hatch.

I'm glad they came in good shape. :)

I know its so frustrating when things like that happen, but mistakes do happen. I have five brothers, and sometimes I have to remind myself they are more important then my chickens and that they were just trying to help out. Whenever they make a mistake they are always heart-broken so I just try to tell them it was only an accident and how to be more careful next time.

And yes, all my brothers are about 6 ft or taller! :)

They really do look like they are tan and white! :gig   I'm glad they arrived in good shape.

Also, I'm going to have to agree with GitaBooks on this one. Very very sorry you lost a chick, it is very sad :( and you're understandably mad, I probably would be at first too, but like gita said, mistakes do happen. And I personally would take it as a good sign that he's interested enough in the eggs and chickens to even WANT to candle them, especially at that age. I know he's not 5 and theoretically should know how to be more careful and that's probably why you're mad and I'd probably be mad or upset at first too but then I'd probably be happy he cared enough to even want to try looking at them and find other ways he can help, while also teaching him how to be more careful :)
I was wondering...

How old is your oldest chicken?


My oldest is 4.5 years old. She is my only chicken that is named, her name is Hawk. She is a good old easter egger from before I knew the difference. She still lays an egg a day.

My oldest chook is a EE named Emma, she will be 8 this spring. :)
Sounds like a lot of people are getting eggs today!
I went and picked up some eggs for the Easter Hatch-along today as well! 45 minute drive one way, but so worth it! I only ordered/paid for 2 dozen and the lady gave me 9 extras!
Here is a picture of them...

The middle ones are Bielefelders, to their right are Jubilee Orpingtons, with one extra Jubilee on the bottom left, and the 8 on the top left are Swedish Flower Hens! So excited to try these new breeds for the Hatch-along!!!
I will be setting these tomorrow morning along with some of my own backyard flocks' eggs.
I see a lot of people are getting their eggs! Including me! :ya Anyone else getting EE eggs from the Hutson's? Can't remember their e-bay name, they are in Colorado..P-Psomething on e-bay. I just wrote them and asked if they had eggs yet, because..last time, I had 29 babies hatch out of 32 that went into lock down..they sent 36. Their eggs are fertile! Plus, I love love how they pack! I open the box, and see..bubble wrap! I move a little aside, and see..more bubble wrap..the big stuff. They put eggs in two different 18 count cartons. I ordered 20. Under the box, is more big bubble wrap! The next carton. That's a lot of Bubble wrap! They are wrapped in nice thick paper towels. I have a few of her EE's out there that I just love! Can't wait until they start laying these! Would any of you call these F1 OE color? The blue egg color doesn't show up.. :/ There are three really blue blue eggs in there. And some are quite blue hint. Anyway, they said they had a lot of people ordering for the hatch a long. Would love to know who...then we could compare how our hatch is going with these eggs. I can almost guarantee fertility on these!
Let me know if you think of the name and I might look into them! The first EE eggs I ordered were from Colorado too but they came from Simple Earth Farm/The Ritzy Peep in Castle Rock. They were pretty well wrapped the same way but USPS was rough on them anyway!

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