The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Quote: I always kept mine on
did you have more ice than water in your water bath?
can you compare it to your home thermostat at room temp? just to be sure?

Building another incubator, and if I can get it up & running, I'll be joining the Easter Hatch-A-Long. I'm using @Sally Sunshine 's design for the cabinet cooler bator. But going to attempt making an auto turner - found some ideas on YouTube; no instructions, foreign language, but it's worth a try!
awesome have a look at the first sections on incubators and DIY turners.... and cheap trays too
There are a bunch of builds from the incu thread listed too! Good luck @myfivegirls
WOW!!! I haven't been online for a while and I am nearly 2000 posts behind!!

With everything that has gone on over the last couple weeks (Rec Soccer Championships, oldest turned 12 Celebration, impromptu trip to Orlando, FL to see family and go to Universal Studios) I haven't been able to post any updates. Well, the Easter HAL eggs for the classroom were set last Thursday. I actually was permitted some time to speak with the children about chickens and eggs. This set will be the sum total for this HAL. Too much going on. So here are my numbers

Heritage RIR = 4
Speckled Sussex = 3
Blue/Black/Splash Maran = 3
Salmon Faverolle = 2

Black bantam (can't remember which breed) = 1
Millie Fluer d'Uccle = 3
Gold Neck d'Uccle = 6
Backyard mystery mixes = 3

Grand Total eggs set = 25

Bonus update:
Returned from Orlando Monday night to two pipped duck eggs, one pipped chicken egg, and two hatched chicks. (Eggs were "locked-down" right before we left.) All have hatched and the newest duckling additions are adorable. The ducklings are White Crested/Rouen cross. The both look like standard Rouen except one inherited it's mother's crest.
This little one has already received the name Montana (Moe for short).
oh my how cute!!!!!

These are some of my eggs for the HAL.

I think I'll be joining in!

Is it too late to join the hatch a long?

nope!!! welcome!!

Okay 15 pages behind.

I'm going to be setting my eggs late this afternoon. Going to try include today's eggs I gather.

hi draye!!!

I've got a late entry: 11 svarthona eggs, yay! Thanks to an auction by @KYTinpusher , thank you! Beautiful packaging! All arrived safe with intact air cells! I highly recommend KYTinpusher and USPS special handling!
oh good news!!!!!

Today is set day for Bobwhite Quail!

bobwhite quail: 23 days to hatch; set March 3rd

hello everyone I would like to join the hatch-a-long

I already added my two photos to the contest. Thor was being very Photo genic today. Does anyone know the rules about deleting your first two and adding two new ones or is that not allowed ?
sweetness!!!!!! great catch!
Ok!!! My eggs are here and this is the first thing I see after finding the box ON ITS SIDE with several clearly marked
on it. As I open it I find.... Egg cartons and Bubble wrap. Lots of I open each 1 by 1 and find only 2/14 damaged. Now I go and candle them but I'm not 100% sure what a saddle air cell looks like but many are like this.... Is that what it is?? If yes how long should I set them upright and wait before putting them in incubator? The 2 damages I can't save. But that's ok. First time getting shipped eggs and 12/14 are good. I'm happy.
Received my eggs from Hog Creek Ranch this morning. They sent 3 extras.Packed very well. Only 3 had a discernible air cell so my eggs are very fresh. The air cells i can see are very stable, staying still when u roll the egg.

Phil is an engineer by trade. It shows in his excellent packing! I am SO HAPPY for you Cathy!
New eggs from CA this time at PO now. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now

We shall see how this batch is packed

Got the eggs from Franchesca Duval today in CA.
They are intact!!!
Air air cells are wobbly, but not free floating. Only a couple look like they may be saddle. PTL. I'm at 50% now. Egg order from OR. should arrive tomorrow.

I was wondering...

How old is your oldest chicken?


My oldest is 4.5 years old. She is my only chicken that is named, her name is Hawk. She is a good old easter egger from before I knew the difference. She still lays an egg a day.
My oldest is 7 years old. She has only laid fart eggs for about 3 years now, usually just in the early spring then nothing the rest of the year. She did surprise me and go broody. I didn't think a bird that wasn't laying would go broody, but she did! She had never been broody before (she's a hatchery light brahma) but she was a great sitter and mother.

I just lost my other 7 year old hen last month, a barred rock.
@Asever1 You can post graphic pictures inside the spoiler feature. Type what you want, then click on the spoiler (looks like a text bubble in the reply editor) and add your picture there. Then people have to click on it to view the picture.

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